The Last Dragon
The Last Dragon
PG-13 | 22 March 1985 (USA)
The Last Dragon Trailers

A young man searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. Along the way he must fight an evil martial arts expert and rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed music promoter.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
SnoopyStyle In New York City, Leroy Green (Taimak) is given Bruce Lee's medallion by his teacher. He is to seek out the Master to reach the final level. Sho'nuff (Julius J. Carry III), The Shogun of Harlem, is also after the final level and sees Leroy as his only competition. Meanwhile, video arcade king Eddie Arkadian (Chris Murney) is desperate to get his girlfriend Angela Viracco (Faith Prince)'s music on Laura Charles (Vanity)'s show. He threatens her manager JJ (William H. Macy). When she rejects him, he sends his henchmen to kidnap her only to be defeated by Leroy. In the chaos, Leroy loses his medallion and Laura picks it up. Eddie sends former fighter great white hope Rock (Mike Starr).This is exceedingly stupid and cheesy but it's loads of fun. It's basically a spoof but it undoubtedly loves the old Kung Fu movies. At its core, there is a sweet charm to Leroy. The stereotype switcharoo is hilarious. While the Master reveal has some fun, it should be more to teach him a lesson. If he actually fought his teacher, it might be a lesson on him being his own man. It does run on too long. It struggles to maintain the tension once the comedy runs out of steam. The final fight simply goes on too long.
Woodyanders Mild-mannered martial arts student Leroy Green (likable Taimak) yearns to obtain an all-powerful force known as "The Glow." Leroy faces opposition from evil king-fu warrior Sho'nuff (broadly played with fire-breathing fearsome brio by Julius Carry) and has to rescue beautiful singer Laura Charles (Vanity at her most radiant, appealing, and flat-out gorgeous) from the vile clutches of unscrupulous two-bit record producer Eddie Arkadian (a gloriously hammy portrayal by Chris Murney).Director Michael Schultz maintains an engaging lighthearted tone throughout, stages the chopsocky fights with considerable aplomb, and keeps the entertaining story zipping along at a brisk pace. The game cast gleefully go to town on the blithely inane material: Faith Prince brings a sweetly ditsy charm to her role as bubbly airhead Angela Viracco, Mike Starr snarls it up nicely as brutish goon Rock, Leo O'Brien provides plenty of swagger as Leroy's jive-talking' little brother Richie, Ernie Reyes Jr. busts some impressive karate moves as fierce little squirt Tai, and Glen Eaton contributes an amusing turn as smartaleck Johnny Yu. William H. Macy and Chazz Palimenteri pop up in nifty small parts. James M. Contner's glittery cinematography gives this film a sparkling neon look. Both Misha Segal's funky score and the soulful rockin' soundtrack hit the right-on groovy spot. Best of all, this movie totally eats up the 80's: We've got hopelessly dated slang ("heavy dude"), cheesy rap singing, break dancing, massive hair, outrageously tacky clothes, ridiculous song and dance numbers, and even an ugly transvestite. Good goofy fun.
gwnightscream Taimak, Vanity, Julius Carry, Christopher Murney, Mike Starr and Faith Prince star in this 1985 action film. This tells the story of young martial artist, Leroy Green (Taimak) who seeks a master to obtain the final level, "The Glow." On his quest, he faces a fighter, Sho'Nuff (Carry) known as the Showgun of Harlem and his thugs. Leroy also finds romance with a beautiful music DJ, Laura Charles (Vanity) and also faces ruthless businessman, Eddie Arkadian (Murney) after saving her from him. Starr plays Arkadian's right-hand man, Rock, Prince plays Arkadian's former girlfriend & singer, Angela and real-life martial artist, Ernie Reyes, Jr. is also featured as Tai. I grew up watching this film and always liked it. It's got a great cast, especially Carry and Murney and it's another classic of the 80's I recommend.
smokecombs This movie is cheesy, it's very "kiddy-like", but it's also fairly innocent (a lead character who is a true hero, not the current anti-hero) and it also happens to be great. They rarely make movies like this anymore and if they do they don't get rented or watched because there isn't T and A or a bunch of foul language etc..Bruce Leroy and "ShoNuff" are classic immortal characters. They both went on to do some more acting but it's kind of a pity they didn't get more mainstream lead roles or make a sequel to this movie. The action sequences in this movie were great for there time and for their target audience of probably a slightly younger aged person. The buildup to the final fight is one of the great things about the movie. The training and the fact that the lead character, Bruce Leroy is a huge Bruce Lee fan and trains constantly and watches old Kung Fu to make him better really add to the movie. It isn't the best martial arts action ever but something about it just meshes perfectly with the story and the overall feel of the movie. I would rate the overall action scenes combined with a great final fighting scene as a 8 of 10.The acting for the movie is pretty decent for all the fairly young kids that are acting. The lead villain, ShoNuff is fantastically over the top in this movie. It hurts my eyes just trying to squint like he did for 30 seconds to give him that look that he did the entire movie. The acting was far better than a lot of younger actors I've seen in movies and TV (such as Power Rangers) in this genre. The lead female in the movie was adequate in her acting, and the hero, Bruce Leroy was just slightly good, but there are lots of supporting actors that add a comic element to this movie, sometimes it's ridiculous but it's still hilarious. Bruce Leroy's little brother cracks me up. As for the lead actress, Vanity (AKA Denise Katrina Matthews) she was adequate in her role as far as acting but she is one of the most gorgeous women I've seen. I mean she has rare classic beauty and it's a shame she didn't get more roles, or at least that I've seen her in.The story is really good. Maybe not so much the story but just how the overall acting went perfectly with the story and the action and for the audience the movie targeted. I was around 11 or 12 when the movie came out and maybe I'm having a little nostalgia but I can still watch this movie to day and enjoy the heck out of it. Really fun, cute story with a hilarious over the top villain.Action 8Acting for its genre 8Acting for all genres 6Story 9Overall I gave this a 10 In closing, I may have an overall ranking that is too high, but I think that right now the 6.2 is too low and want to help bring it up. This movie is an action movie with violence yet it has an innocence about it, yet it's still fun and thrilling. The ending fight scene and the classic lines at the end and just how it all carries out in the movie still almost gives me goose bumps, it's like Superman taking on General Zodd and those guys, just an epic battle. I think it may be sort of a cult classic but I think I could recommend this to anyone and not feel guilty about it. If more movies were made like this today with today's technology then we could maybe let our kids see what good viewing really was. I say just buy this movie if you find it for a good deal anywhere. If you haven't saw it buy it for you and your kids, it's a great family movie to watch with kids who like stuff like power rangers and things, probably from 8 to 12 years old or so, and all adults.Worth a rental: For dang sure! Buy it full price: I would Buy it on DVD for under $10: ShoNUFF!!