Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend
PG | 22 March 1985 (USA)
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend Trailers

A paleontologist and her husband discover a mother and baby brontosaurus in Africa, and try to protect them from hunters who want to capture them.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
aphotakis My parents owned a video store and brought home loads of videos. 2 ears after the store closed I was born and this gem ended up in my parents home collection. I can't even tell you how many times I've seen this movie throughout my life and it never ever gets old. Anyone who doesn't like it is wrong.
johnstonjames naw. don't believe the bad reviews of this. those people are the kind of people who pass judgment without ever taking into account the facts about a film. they are also the kind of people who probably never appreciate anything hand crafted or anything prior to the year 2000.before there was 'Jurassic Park', there was this film. at that time in the 1980's, 'Baby' had the best Dino effects in film up to that point. yes it became severely dated a few years later with the 'Jurassic Park' films, but it's achievements for the time were considerable and should be properly noted and not mindlessly judged.i like the use of the Disney 'Audio-Animatronics' method. sometimes it can seem more real than CGI FX. i'm not saying this film is better than the 'Jurassic Park' films. it's not. but it actually is a more realistic depiction of paleontology. i mean the 'Jurassic' films were about fantasy and not any thing really factual. even though equally impossible, 'Baby' is more real.i like "Dino" movies. i love Dinosaurs and the more things made about them the better.i also love Disney movies. was this a Disney flick? pretty much so. it was released by Touchstone films, but it basically was conceived by the Disney staff. Disney's production designer john B. Mansbridge helped with this production and Disney in-law Ron Miller was also responsible at an early level in this film's evolution(no pun intended).Disney was the probably just afraid to put their name on this because of the adult content. i'm not talking about the African nudity. any anthropologist will tell you that's no big deal. i'm talking about the use of too much profanity and the sex scenes involving the scientist. that stuff is not appropriate for a Disney film. Walt would roll over in his grave and those scenes are not acceptable for children and do not further the action or plot. they are just there so the new "Eisner" Disney could prove it's all grown up. a disastrous move in my prudish opinion.aside from profanity and adult sex, everything, including the African nudity, is appropriate for children. in fact aside from the "adult" flaws the film is almost Tailor-made for the kiddies( i mean it's all about a baby Dinosaur).this is a cute film and feels very "Disney", but parents should be strongly cautioned about excessive profanity and sex scenes which are not appropriate for a Disney film.
reineke_kid_a I don't think this movie was rated correctly. I took my copy and blacked out the PG rating and wrote down R. I would NOT recommend this for anyone under 17 or 18, whatever the R limit is.Why? It contains a scene in the jungle with several topless Indian women. I don't know about you, but that's not something for little children to be watching. True, it might be the traditional "clothing style" of the African (?) Indians, but... I think partial nudity should give a movie an R rating.I haven't seen the movie recently, but I guess otherwise, it was alright.
dcorr123 Let me confess at the start that: 1) I'm definitely fond of dinosaurs and paleontology in general. This interest LONG predates "Jurassic Park". If a paleontology major had been available in my college, in the early 60's, that would have been my choice. 2) I've also ALWAYS been a big fan of animation and related effects, such as the dinosaurs. This movie had by far the best dinosaur effects of any prior to "Jurassic Park", even better than in "The Valley of Gwangi". The baby brontosaurus (actually apatosaurus) was perhaps a little too cutsey with its blinking eyes but otherwise the film captured details of movement, including musculature and skin, very well. This was at its best when the mother dinosaur was chasing the bad guys in their vehicle. Needless to say I was very sympathetic with the efforts of the paleontologists to rescue the dinosaurs. I also enjoyed some of the people "antics" such as the natives spitting out the granola bars (hippy food) from the sides of their mouths while pretending to like it. An enjoyable movie if a little saccharine.