Lost in America
Lost in America
R | 08 February 1985 (USA)
Lost in America Trailers

David and Linda Howard are successful yuppies from LA. When he gets a job disappointment, David convinces Linda that they should quit their jobs, liquidate their assets, and emulate the movie Easy Rider, spending the rest of their lives traveling around America...in a Winnebago.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
laminur I will not read reviews anymore. For me this movie is not funny as some people said, nor gave me anything. I didn't laugh at any scene...Two idiot persons.. Albert Brook has been talking too much and made me bored... What I concluded reading IMDb reviews and looking at the grades is that American like American films, Indian like Indian films and grades get high accordingly. of course there are films getting high grades and positive comments from all over the world; I like that kind of movies. The reason of I don't like this film might be because our pleasure has been changed from 30 years. So I decided not to watch the movies from 80's :)
Degree7 Albert Brooks is a wonderful talent, somewhat of a Woody Allen offshoot, and his script writing is witty and has just the right amount of offbeat humour to it.The film has a great premise, and the characters are realistic and sympathetic enough to retain attention, but it moves too fast and feels underdeveloped. It starts out with Howard (Brooks) established as a moderately successful advertising executive, who with his managerial wife, plan to put a down payment on a 400k house. But the corporate lifestyle has sapped some of the excitement out of both their lives, and before divorce proceedings set in, they hilariously quit their jobs and set out on the open road to find themselves. And along the way they bring the 'nest egg'. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned, and the soul searching quickly becomes a trip through hell. With each quagmire the couple finds themselves in, Brooks' character hilariously pleads with the people he sees as obstacles to their luck. The film is built around 3 or 4 of these lengthy, seemingly improvised sketch scenes, and is what provides most of the entertainment apart from the scenario. But after the main twist and conflict happens, the film loses steam and the hijinx quickly dissipitate until the film deflates at the end. Little soul searching actually occurs, and the film has a realistic, but disappointing ending after much of the build up to their quagmire. The ending just isn't what was promised after the dark hilarity of misfortune that preceded it. The characters feel annoyingly self entitled at first, and start to grate, but the writing and short running times keeps things feeling fresh long enough to want to finish. Worth watching just for Brooks.
SmileysWorld We have all wanted to do it.At one time or another we have all wanted to flee our drab,bottomless pit lives to see and discover the world.It's a very tempting idea.Fortunately,what we learn from films like Lost in America is that Winnebagos don't run on faith.Albert Brooks and Julie Hagerty teach us this lesson well,making us laugh at them,as well as ourselves when we picture ourselves in their position.When it comes to comedies,I tend to lean more toward the slapstick side of things.It's the way I have always been,but Lost in America gives us laughs and teaches us a lesson at the same time,making it worth seeing again.
Chris Zizzo It started out with such promise. I love Brooks' humor. Most people I know don't, but the idea that this yuppie was going to engineer a "find yourself" tour of America for himself and his unwilling wife in a Winnebago held out the promise of a rich minefield of comedy to come. After Julie Hagerty's character loses the entire nest egg in their first stop in Vegas, I couldn't watch the movie anymore and I walked out by the time they got to the Grand Canyon.I don't know if it was just my disappointment at Albert Brooks' use of such an obvious situational device as the loss of all the money to set up the rest of the film, or my own sense of unquenchable murderous rage at the wife for having been so weak and stupid to lose every dime and completely undermine the rest of their lives, but I could not watch another frame of this movie, and have not gone back to it to this day. Once you lose heart, once you can no longer maintain the willing suspension of disbelief, you are through with a film. "Defending Your Life" was so brilliant. This was just awful.