As Cool as I Am
As Cool as I Am
R | 21 June 2013 (USA)
As Cool as I Am Trailers

A smart teenage girl comes of age in a small town with her self-centered parents who had her when they were teenagers.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Lawbolisted Powerful
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Sourik Bhattacharya This movie is a good and flowing one. The way Lucy's relationship with her parents is portrayed arises the interest of the spectators. She started off her journey with her longtime playmate, got drunk in a party, took some decisions out of the sheer heat of the moment, repented later but gained hope once again. She aspired to become a Chef and never did diverge too far away from that goal. This movie also portrays the midlife crisis that her mother had undergone and her questionable decisions to date and hook with other people. In the end, she focuses on a bright future considering that she is only sixteen and have a lot to achieve in the near future!
adi_2002 Lucy is a minor girl who lives with her mother Lainee and her father has left them because of the work that must take in order to maintain the house and his loved ones. He comes once a month to visit them or every time he has the opportunity. Lucy's neighbor, Kenny is a shy boy about her age and slowly Lucy's feelings for him becomes too magnify even for a girl like her. She is clumsy, making fast decision witch in fact takes years to accomplish, but for her a few seconds are enough. The relationship with her mother is very open, the two seems that are sisters or best friends and this brings even more freedom in Lucy's behavior. Her father Chuck is on the contrary more imposing with her or the boys witch her daughter had been related. Soon some arrogant peers from the high school will approach her and invite her at some party to take advantage of her immature mind. But this will also ruin the connection with Kenny, her family and another boy that she recently meet. Will she be able to restore order in her life?I was curious about this movie particularly because of the name, I expected something more solid, more smarter. Similar like "Megan is missing" or "Trust", in "As cool as I am" we witness a silly girl making another things like an ordinary girl at the same age at her should do. The exception is that here we don't have the internet or the virtually chat between the characters and the action takes place in reality. Claire Danes looks gorgeous, James Marsden's time in the movie is too little and his talent can't be seen, and the movie becomes painful to watch at some point, doesn't bring nothing new and in the end you can put yourself the question: "Why should I care?"
in1984 7.1 of 10. As teen girl films go this year, I prefer The Truth About Emanuel (2013). By comparison, this is clearly an attempt to do another teen girl perspective film. In many ways, it succeeds in addressing important issues while still creating something amusing and sexy teens can relate to. Unfortunately, it tries to do too much and cover too much ground.One of the many good artistic things it does that is often failed in other films is having the lead character speak in the background for added context. Here, it's done the way it should be, like hearing the character's thoughts and not trying to use it to tell the story.Some other films this reminds me of and those who enjoy this (or those) will enjoy: Drool (2009), Rocket Science (2007), Snow Angels (2007), Lars and the Real Girl (2007), Teeth (2007), Poker House (2008), Precious (2009), and Kids (1995).
Tony Heck "If memory is malleable then the future is too." Lucy is a sixteen year old girl who is too smart for her own good. She spends her free time learning how to cook and hanging out with her friend Kenny. Her mother (Danes) and father (Marsden) had her when they were young and not ready for that responsibility. Now with her dad gone all but 4 times a year and her mom acting like a kid herself Lucy is left to discover life for herself. This is a movie that again proves my point that a movie can be entertaining and worth watching involving great acting rather then special effects. This is a movie along the line of What Maisie Knew only involving an older child rather then a 6 year old. Parents that should not have been allowed to have children and a child who is more mature then the parents. You really root for Lucy the entire time and by the time the end come you feel extremely sorry for her as well as relief. That is a hard combination to achieve but that's what great writing and acting does. Overall, a great movie that is pretty depressing but I recommend this. I give it a B+.