Thick as Thieves
Thick as Thieves
R | 09 January 2009 (USA)
Thick as Thieves Trailers

A master thief recruits a notorious thief to help him steal two famous Faberge eggs from an impenetrable vault in an effort to pull off one final job and repay his debt to the Russian mob.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
kneiss1 I can barely think of anything that made this movie special, and yet, I still had fun watching it. For me the plot was very entertaining even though it wasn't very great. The most I liked the little twist in the movie. I have to admit, it surprised me. While the movie had an extremely boring story in the beginning, it improved a lot after that twist. In the end Banderas looked like a loser, yet Hollywood managed to end the movie with a (almost) typical Hollywood ending. (Kind of interesting.)Banderas, nor Freeman have been exactly bad, yet, they couldn't convince me in their role as master thieves. The dialogs haven't been exactly great, yet, they managed to entertain me. Visually the movie was uninteresting. The action was pretty much non-existent. (So don't expect an action movie!) Still, the movie wasn't as bad as many other writers claimed here. There are way less inspired, less creative, more cliché- ridden and boring movies made in Hollywood these days.
Michael O'Keefe This heist movie, also known as THE CODE, is pretty much a let down. It seems to run over itself before any interest cumulates. Even the trailers don't garner many reasons to watch unless you are a Morgan Freeman or Antonio Banderas fan. Even they can't save this one. Freeman plays an aging art thief thinking about something big enough to retire on; but he owes the Russian underworld; and they want him to steal a pair of Faberge eggs. Freeman ends up joining a younger accomplice(Banderas)on this heist. The two see the 'codes of thievery' a bit differently; but its them against the Russian underworld. The plot is thin and the dialog is about understandable as the many plot twists that prove to be not needed. Others in the cast: Radha Mitchell, Robert Forster, Marcel Lures and Antony Byrne.
kosmasp ... by the actors that is. Still the movie suffers especially if you have seen more than 1 or 2 movies. Heist movies that try to be tricky have to be especially careful. Or especially good, extraordinary even to really stay with you. And despite the fact, that you have Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas in this one, it never really touches genius level.You might not guess every little detail (or maybe you do?), but even so the conclusion isn't really satisfying. It's still a fun ride though and you have a few nice touches. It's nicely filmed and everyone is trying their best. I've seen much worse ... but as stated above, I've seen better movies too.
Wizard-8 While I can understand why talented actor Robert Forster (who looks somewhat ghastly here, like he's coming off a major illness) is appearing in a direct-to-video movie (at least in North America), I don't understand why Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas are doing in a direct-to-video movie. Surely they are still getting calls from major studios? Did they really need the money? Anyway, they bring their natural charisma to this movie... but not much more. Freeman doesn't seem to be trying very hard in his performance, and Banderas doesn't watch his accent, making some of the words he says hard to figure out.The production values are mostly very decent, a trademark of direct-to-video kings Millennium/Nu Image Films. Although this set-in-New-York film was partially filmed in Bulgaria, it doesn't show. The only flaw in the production values was the CGI used in the subway sequences. It looks pretty cheesy.The heist central to this movie has some tension, but I found it hard to get involved. For one thing, many of the steps the Freeman and Banderas characters use to foil the various security measures are never fully explained to the audience. Even worse is that it's implied that this heist was planned in JUST A FEW DAYS! Seeming all these security measures they have to conquer, it would really take weeks, even months to plan! The movie is never really boring, but in the first half of the movie you can kind of guess what will happen in the next scene. There are twists towards the end, but they are expected, as in other caper movies like this one. Such twists happening are no longer a surprise. Plus, as they start to unfold, you will start to guess just what new twists will happen.Wait until it comes on cable... on a rainy day... when there's absolutely nothing else to do or watch.