The All Together
The All Together
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
The All Together Trailers

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
FlashCallahan Martin Freeman plays an aspiring screenwriter, but to pursue his dreams, he needs to sell his house in order to fund them.Called in to work urgently, he asks his unreliable flatmate to show realtors around to value the house.Dyer plays another cockney wideboy, who has to escort an associate to the airport. The associate becomes sick, and they stop off at a house so he can be ill.It's Freemans house, and a quick pit stop becomes a siege...When I first saw this film advertised, I was expecting some sort of comedy where freeman finds out that his flatmate (Dyer) was an assassin.The Poster for this is very deceptive, as the stars do not share one scene together.Other than that, it's pretty throwaway stuff, with an ironic voice-over, Freeman doing his best Tim from the office impression, and Dyer being Dyer.Its reminiscent of a seventies sitcom, and although its nothing new, and never once funny, it passes the time well enough
demaym I hate to be the one to rain on a parade (even a small one like this) but from the very first scene, you could tell this film was going to be absolute shite. Its a shame really, as I quite like Martin Freeman and Danny dyer. I was intrigued as to how they would mix in a film together, but to my dismay, they did not even have a scene together!! I think I need to repeat this - The two lead actors (who stand side by side on the advertisement posters and DVD covers) did not have one scene together!!!! They did not speak to each other and never appeared on screen at the same time. Just about sums up this poor excuse for a movie. False advertisement.The dialogue was painful, every single character in the movie was unrealistic, and un-human like. The scenarios were far fetched, the plot was crap, the jokes were thin, Freeman tried too hard to be funny (and played a poor mans Tim from The office), nobody was likable, and worst of all, some of the characters were so annoying that it almost drove me to switch off, as I couldn't bear to watch, or listen to them any longer.This low budget stinker was an epic fail. Even Danny Dyer couldn't inject some humour and charm into this, but bless, he tried. What a waste of time.How anybody could rate this movie as 'ten stars' is beyond me. Ten Stars? Seriously? Come on....I won't even give some of the greats ten stars, as ten stars implies that a movie was perfect. This film was far from perfect, almost the opposite, meaning that it was almost completely dire throughout.Watch it if you like, but if you've seen a lot of movies, and watched a lot of great movies, your review will probably similar to mine.1/10
mrsTrellis-2 Almost from the word go this film is poor and lacking conviction but then again most people would struggle to show commitment to a script as uninspiring as this. The dialogue really does not flow and sometimes as in this case more is less (or should have been). This is also backed-up by odd scenes (e.g. the Cemetry slow-motion walk) that you think might lead somewhere but only seem to waste a few more seconds of your life.The plot is a strange combination of gangster / situation comedy which I am sure seemed a good idea at the time but if ever there was a case for someone needing to be honest with the scriptwriter then here was it.Martin Freeman is okay but then he seems to have one character which always plays so I am beginning to wonder if he was given a script or just filmed and told to react as normal.Finally - humour. This reminds me of the 'Python (I think) quote about Shakespere, of his 'comedies' - If he had meant it to be humorous he would have put a joke in it. Well I didn't see one.Don't waste your time - I did because I was watching it with a friend and kept hoping that it was going to get better.It didn't.
markjaxson This was a very funny film, all the actors fit their roles very well, i even enjoyed the French guy, he made added a lot of funny scenes to the film.Although its nowhere near as good as Shaun of the dead or Human Traffic, it is a decent film and I'm glad other people have left good comments about it because otherwise i would not have watched this film because of the bad comments it receive but I'm glad i did get to see this film.Its quite a short film, 1hr 15mins but its well worth seeing.We need to support the British film industry so i will purchase this when its available on DVD.