The Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment
PG-13 | 27 July 2012 (USA)
The Philadelphia Experiment Trailers

A secret government research project tries reviving the World War II "Philadelphia Experiment," which was an attempt to create a cloaking device to render warships invisible. When the experiment succeeds, it brings back the original ship (the Eldridge) that disappeared during the first test in 1943 - which brings death and destruction to the 21st century. It's up to the sole survivor of the first experiment and his granddaughter to stop it.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Wordiezett So much average
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
tomterrific-67610 The only poor reaction that I have with this version, 2012, is the filming technique. Staging was good, scenes were well composed, image crisp and clear. The lighting was acceptable throughout the film. The one critique I have is with the method of filming.Visually, the movie appeared as if it were a video, instead of a film. It took on the ambiance of a TV 'soap opera', instead of a 'movie'. The 'feeling' of the visuals I could not dismiss...and, therefore, had trouble suspending disbelief. The 'fx' were tricky and well executed.The cast was solid, a cadre of professionals. No amateurs in the mix.Whatever camera/lens/medium was used to make this otherwise good offering should not be repeated. Using film would have made this production great!On the story line, I would have 'fleshed out' the villains a little more, with a backstory. As it is, they seem to just appear, attempting to obliterate... a malevolent force without a reason.An entertaining movie...
Erik Eriksen Attempting to watch this movie did 2 things... It made me waste 80 minutes of my life that could have been used for something totally useless... and it wasted the $3 I paid for the DVD in the "bargain" bin. Having a civilian streetwalker "in charge" with the authority to go "nuclear" is just 1 blip on the idiocy meter, constant CGI "disintegrations/absorbtions (depending on the character) leaves one wondering "HUH"? why did he get absorbed and they get disintegrated... It is not often I get riled up about my wasting time, or wasting nominal amounts of cash, unfortunately, this movie did just that. I'd rather watch GALAXINA (yuckkk...)
JohnLeeT Take one of the better science fiction films of the the past, add an even more intelligent script, superb direction, and excellent production values and you have this stunning remake of the 1984 Philadelphia Experiment. The cast includes some of the best actors of our time doing work that is nothing less than breathtaking. The combination of star power, great special effects, fabulous twists on the original plot, and the backing of Syfy results in a sure-fire hit that should receive a much higher rating than it does here. Fans of the original will welcome this production and the inclusion of familiar faces from the 1984 classic. This is science fiction as it is meant to be: smart, well produced, and with a cast that is undeniably one of the finest assembled for any film project.
shinieris-34-218575 This movie is something that you want to enjoy when there's nothing better to do.Terribly poor plot. There is of course the rising action, the climax and the ending. The movie started nicely, but the plot became terrible afterwards.Absolutely flat characters. This does not need to be said. The good guys were good guys from start to finish, which is okay, in a way. But the antagonist is the absolute bad guy (girl) from start to finish, even not even learning from earlier mistake, yet making an even bigger mistake. That is stupidity. I wonder if the scriptwriter is a 12 year old boy who watched the original Philadelphia Experiment and is related to the producer.Extreme government idiocy at its absolute impossibility. Okay, so cluster bombs don't work, it magnifies the destruction 10 times greater, destroying the strike crafts and causes it to teleport above a nuclear reactor, destroying a whole area while dealing not a single scratch on the ship. So then, you ordered a nuclear bomb to be dropped on the shielded ship instead, totally ignoring the fact that the destruction will be amplified 10 times greater.What, the government has no problem destroying the whole United States and Canada/Mexico? She is a high ranked employee of a defense contractor company with direct phoneline to the President of the USA. A person like that does not get that position and that level of trust if she is stupid and illogical. There is a difference between bullheaded and illogical, this is stupidity. What's more stupid is the scriptwriter who made everyone else feel stupid.All in all, this is more entertaining than most, but still a terrible movie. The only reason that I'm giving it a 3, is because I like the acting and the pacing of the movie. Everything else sucks. If you're thinking of having some brainless fun, sure, go for it.Leave your brain at the door.