Harry and the Hendersons
Harry and the Hendersons
PG | 05 June 1987 (USA)
Harry and the Hendersons Trailers

Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they examine the "body" they find it's a "bigfoot". They think it's dead so they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this). As you guessed, it isn't dead. Far from being the ferocious monster they fear "Harry" to be, he's a friendly giant.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Thanos Karagioras "Harry and the Hendersons" is a family movie in which we watch a family which while it is returning from a hunting trip in the forest its car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear that it was a man, but after they examine the body they find out that it's a "big foot". Thus, they take the body because they think that is dead but it is not and after that big foot becomes a friendly giant.I liked this movie because it is an amusing movie and if you watch it I am sure that you will have a really great time. I also liked this movie because of the simply hilarious interpretation of Kevin Peter Hall who played as Harry. Another good interpretation made by John Lithgow who played as George Henderson and he was very good at it.Lastly I want to tell you that "Harry and the Hendersons" is a funny movie with which you will have a great time and I am sure that if you have children then this movie you just have to watch.
rachelackersley I remember how much I loved this movie! It was a great movie obviously meant for families and or children. The story involves a family (with John Lithgow playing the father) going out into the woods for some family fun but then while driving back dad accidentally hits a big beast with his station wagon. They're not sure if they killed whatever it was and don't know what they hit, so they check it out and it turns out to be a real life Bigfoot. After he turns out to still be alive they nurse the Bigfoot back to health and name him Harry, but at first Dad only sees the possible fortune they could make selling Harry. Harry doesn't help his own cause by destroying a lot of stuff in the house, eating their plants etc. Professional Bigfoot hunters become involved and the family has to decide whether to keep Harry or sell him or help him get back to freedom.
happyendingrocks Harry And The Hendersons can best be described as E.T. re-imagined with a smaller-scale plot and a larger-scale star. It's not quite a rip-off, as there is nary a Reese's Piece in sight, but with both an identical message and a similar reliance on fish-out-of-water humor, it's hard to imagine anyone phoning Harry instead of phoning home.To be fair, Harry seems to be aiming more for "cute" than "poignant", and at least in that regard, the film succeeds admirably. The humor is decidedly aimed at the grade-school set, and most of it involves Harry wrecking the Hendersons' house as he adjusts to the discrepancy between his size and the scale of his new environment. There are no big laughs here, but the film is amusing in its own quirky way, and having John Lithgow as the centerpiece of Harry's struggle to fit in a world far too small for him certainly helps with this.Many things about the film don't work, but I suppose that's to be expected. The rather dicey attempt at conflict involves a sasquatch hunter (yep, they're everywhere...) wanting to hunt down Harry and adorn his parlor with the granddaddy of all trophies. However, bringing this misguided big game enthusiast into suburbia is a hard pill to swallow. He seems so intent on bagging Harry that he's apparently willing to walk into the house of a family of strangers and shoot the big fella in their living room. I'm not sure how many people have pet deers, but it's hard to imagine even the most callous hunter wandering into their neighborhood and gunning down their backyard Bambis.The Hendersons' neighbor Irene is probably supposed to be on hand as a comedic foil, but she's far too cloying to be anything but annoying. The fact that they introduce her with the singular character trait of being a busybody also makes much of the physical humor of Harry's wreckage unrealistic. If their neighbor is so nosy, surely she would have been curious when she heard the loud rumbling of Harry's clumsy remodeling? If we're being asked to imagine a 7-foot sasquatch literally crashing through the floor into the attic below, we also have to imagine that the amount of noise and tremor this would cause might possibly alert the person living next door.The real reason to recommend this film is Rick Baker's wonderfully realized Harry, who is easily the most realistically-molded sasquatch in film history (not much competition there, granted). Harry isn't supposed to menacing, he's supposed to be adorable, but we have to give Baker credit for rendering his creation with such detail that no matter how big he's smiling, we still sense that this big beast could easily tear someone to pieces if necessary. The late Kevin Peter Hall is the perfect actor to fill these immense shoes (feet?), and as in all his roles, he brings actual character to the role no matter how many layers of latex and hair they pile atop him. Hall's eyes are pretty much all we see of him here, but the range of emotions he conveys with simple expression brings forth the human qualities we're supposed to identify with in Harry.Watching the trailer and noting the deluge of scenes that didn't appear in the film, there is a sense that this was a troubled production. I'm not sure what William Dear was setting out to make, but he apparently did his best with what he had, and the result is a family film that has enough winning qualities to make the fantastical premise work. Harry doesn't quite tug at the heartstrings, it's far too sappy for that, but it is a film with the power to make you smile. Not a bad selling point, that.Though the ending sets things up for the inevitable Harrys And The Hendersons, it's probably a good thing this film wasn't successful enough to spawn a franchise. As it stands, it's just good enough to recommend, and it's hard to imagine a sequel doing anything but stripping the film's limited charms away.This is not an essential film by any means, but fans of the Spielberg school of fantasy family fare could certainly find a worse way to spend an afternoon.
Ari Herzog I couldn't sleep last night and browsed through Comcast On Demand to find a cute comedy and saw HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS! I don't think I'd seen the film since the late 1980s.It was released in 1987 and I don't recall seeing it in the theater, but I digress.Harry is a hairy behemoth of the Sasquatch genus. A Bigfoot. What kid wouldn't want a pet Bigfoot of his own? What adult wouldn't? But Harry is no pet. He's an adopted member of Seattle's Henderson family, eating goldfish and plants, burying stuffed deer heads and mink coats, and relaxing in front of the TV while laughing at re-runs of "The Addams Family." He wasn't always in the family. Mr. Henderson had almost run him (it?) over in the road, brought him home, and cared for the big guy.All good things must come to an end, and the Hendersons eventually must choose if Harry remains with their family or if he should be driven back to the wild.Watch the movie for mindless entertainment and you won't be disappointed!!
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