R | 13 May 1988 (USA)
Bulletproof Trailers

A group of dangerous terrorists succeeds to get hold of a tank of the army and all its crew.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Woodyanders Boy, one hardly knows where to start with this choice chunk of 80's action trash. For starters, we have the one and only Gary Busey in gloriously gonzo form as Frank "Bulletproof" McBain, a sardonic and seemingly indestructible L.A. cop and ex-CIA agent fond of using the word "butt-horn" who keeps every last bullet he's been shot with in a jar. Then there's veteran villain Henry Silva sliming it up with customary reptilian gusto as the ruthless Col. Kartiff. The lovely Darlanne Fluegel supplies plenty of spunk and sass as McBain's feisty former squeeze Capt. Devon Shepard. The ineptly staged action set pieces include a car chase involving an ice cream truck and a grenade being used in the single most ludicrous escape sequence in the annals of 80's schlock cinema. McBain hits one man in the groin with an ashtray. Naturally, we've got cheesy flashbacks and even cheesier one-liners ("Bird season's over, butt-horn!"). Lots of stuff gets blown up real good. The luscious Lydie Denier displays some delectable bare skin. The stellar cast of familiar faces rates as the yummy cherry on an already tasty craptastic cake: L.Q. Jones, R.G. Armstrong, Thalmus Rasulala, Mills Watson, Big Bill Smith (grumbling in Russian), Luke Askew, Rene Enriquez, Lincoln Kilpatrick, Juan Fernandez, and even Danny Trejo in a small role. A total tacky hoot.
flackjacket Well, the one thing this movie got right was this: if you're going to have annoying characters, you should cast annoying actors. In fact, if casting annoying actors in the roles of annoying characters was a science, this film perfected it. Sure, it's happened in other films, but this one sets the standard to a record breaking low. Gary Busey as an action hero? Seriously? I don't think he'd even be believable as an extra walking down the street in the background. Yet they give him the lead role. And Henry Silva as the mean Colonel helps kicks it down another notch, putting the believability somewhere below a Sid and Marty Krofft "made for TV" variety show.Just watching 60 seconds of Busey trying to act is unbearable. Even worse, Busey trying to actually pull off the role as an indestructible action hero… that plays the saxophone? Then throw in Henry Silva? Were they trying to induce vomiting?As unbelievable as it is, the storyline is even worse than the acting and casting. It's as if somebody was rummaging through the dumpster behind the set of The Six Million Dollar Man and found a script that the producer rejected, wiped his butt with and threw in the trash.
Scarecrow-88 Frank "Bulletproof" McBain, a "one man suicide squad", is needed by his country, an LA Cop reinstated into the military to take on a most dangerous mission..to recapture a commandeered supertank equipped with impressive armor and weaponry, not to mention rescue his former girlfriend, Captain Devon Shepard(Darlanne Fluegel, pretty awful, but also rather amusing in how she sneers and spits venom at arch-nemesis Silva).With Henry Silva and William Smith as two of many B-movie heavies Gary Busey will have to encounter if he is to succeed in his mission. This is the kind of action film I enjoy wholeheartedly. It has a ridiculous premise where one man, in this case the awesome, one and only, Gary Busey, is able to infiltrate enemy lines(in this movie, Mexico)and eventually get his hands on the Thunderblast(the boy in me grinned ear to ear when I first heard what they named the tank)which, sufficed to say, does some serious damage to the terrorists. I would love to know the body count for this movie, because McBain certainly leaves quite a many scumbag Commies dead before all is said and done. You also have a delightfully slimy René Enríquez as General Brogado, Silva's superior, and Juan Fernández as Pantaro, the executioner who relishes gunning down American soldiers, under the command of LQ Jones(as Sgt. O'Rourke), in cold blood. RG Armstrong even shows up as Miles Blackburn, the one responsible for forcing McBain back into action. If you are gonna start an action film, I prefer the way BULLETPROOF does, with Busey, and his poor partner(who just wants to call back up)halting a gun smuggling operation in progress with plenty of gunfire erupting, leading to an ice cream truck(used to carry the smuggled weapons!)tipping over and exploding. As you expect, done in flashback of course, Busey is haunted by a partner's accidental death, at the hand of Smith. Danny Trejo has a small part as one of the gun smugglers who attempts to stop Busey from arresting him, by firing a machine gun out the back of the ice cream truck at him while he was in hot pursuit. I'm a strong supporter in opening a loud, dumb action flick with a reckless cop(with a death wish, it seems)exchanging rounds of ammunition with criminals resulting in dead bodies and explosions. You get the hilarious, but so stupendously radical, scene where Busey is bound to a wheel which is sent turning down a hill thanks to a grenade triggered by Fluegel, saving him from being Juan Fernández's target practice. Or, the town showdown as Brogado's militia, with something like four tanks and an endless supply of Arabs, against the Thunderblast which decimates everything in sight. Silva and Fluegel have spirited spats with one another(you gotta love Silva who snarls as well as any hissable villain)with the Captain getting even with him towards the end(he rapes her, determined to prove his point that all women are to respect him). But, it's all about Busey..who gets to slide into the "one man army" role, and this fan, for one, had a grand old time seeing Gary at play. Busey sure seems to be having a ball as the hero, more often than not he's the one as a villain, not vice versa. Hilarious how the Thunderblast can withstand not only four tanks and constant missiles, but also a Russian helicopter(a Soviet Mi-24 as mentioned by Busey while the Thunderblast is under assault by the aircraft machine) as well..we sure made one hell of a really impressive machine, this supertank. The plot and characters are silly, so if one enters BULLETPROOF expecting anything other than goofy action fare with tons of violence, you best stay as far away from this flick as possible. An 80's action movie after my own heart, it defies logic almost at every turn..as these movies are supposed to do, when Silva and company have Busey right where they want him, instead of shooting him immediately, they postpone which leads to his inevitable freedom from their clutches.
Butthorn Oh Lord, did I enjoy myself watching this film! Gary Busey plays a guy who apparently cannot be harmed by bullets, or by much of anything, although he's just some guy with no immortal powers. He falls off haylofts, gets chained to giant wheels and rolls down hills, runs a very comfy looking army tank, and plays the tenor saxophone. Too much goes on to list, but the world's greatest and most enigmatic insult, "butt-horn", is coined, making this easily the most important film of the century. I insist that you purchase it.