Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?)
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?)
| 26 October 2010 (USA)
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?) Trailers

The life and work of the enigmatic singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson.

Micransix Crappy film
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Violet Weed I give this a three, okay maybe a four.... for the early parts where Harry SINGS. He did write some nice little songs, nothing great, and he is not a 'great' musician either, but then, neither are any of the musicians who eulogize him. What he really was: a failed father, husband and friend. He could NOT be counted on to follow through on his covenant or his commitments. Of course you could boo me for saying that, but it is the truth. After all, his music was my generation's music. As a musician myself, I loved his little 'real life' ditties, but they were not 'genuine', in that HE was the PROBLEM in most (okay, ALL) of his romantic relationships. He could not be trusted. He was a drunk, a druggie, a liar, a cheater, and he ABANDONED his oldest child. The fact that my own father did the same thing to his two legitimate children (he wasn't married to my mother), maybe it 'scratches at my craw', who knows. But I am almost violently disdainful of people who do not honor their covenant. If you watch his 'documentary' you can feel the pain of that son, you can see it in his face. He wanted his father to love him, and Harry was far too self-centered to do that. Well the music was good, to a certain point. (Not if you are a REAL musician, but most people are not so....) I never did understand the adulation for 'rockers'. Everyone loves music, sure, but the Beatles? What did they ever do, musically, that made any kind of sense (if you were NOT stoned?) Just pop culture, that's all. And now, 40 years later, there's some nostalgic value, but that's all. Nilsson was a coward who had no integrity and who reminds me a lot of Michael Landon, who also abandoned his kids, and broke his covenant. Oh well. Losers both. But at least Landon didn't waste his talent, he was just a cheater/bad father. Nilsson ended up with a teenage irish virgin bride who has obviously not got an intelligent thought in her head. She is in fact, a cow. Luckily for HER, of course, since had she been able to think, she never would have had all those babies with him.
nv-11 I just happened on this incredible documentary on Netflix. I always loved Harry Nilsson's music but I never knew anything about him. This documentary is really an extensive work of art, compiling all the film footage about Harry and the people who knew him best. Particularly interesting was the recording studio footage and old movies of him performing. For all the music he wrote and performed and for all the famous musicians that he ran with, I just don't ever remember hearing about him, (in the tabloids and the like) only his music. Who knew he lived life on the edge? Too bad this documentary didn't get much publicity, as it is truly excellent. Most of the people that can remember his music will truly never know who is the guy behind all those wonderful songs with that melancholy melodious voice. Thank you for showing some of us who Harry Nilsson was, the guy behind Everybody's Talking but not about Harry.
ctoprefect-2 This tough-to-see little picture played at the Mods & Rockers 2007 festival. It is a wonderful and loving look at Harry Nilsson, using many famous faces who sit for interviews, rarely seen TV performances and behind-the-scenes footage of Nilsson at work. There's even a few shots from "Son Of Dracula". This movie is the final and fitting tribute to one of the finest voices, the most clever songwriter and the funniest man in popular music. It's a crime that this man's name is not as well known as some of the songs he wrote and/or performed. His friends tell incredibly funny stories about this talented hulk with a subconscious wish for self-destruction. As a bonus, you even get Eric Idle performing the song with wrote for Nilsson's final album during the closing credits. It's funny, it's sad. It's not in general release. If this picture plays anywhere near where you live, see it!
davidwb88 I was lucky enough to have seen this film at it's Seattle Film Fest screening, and was blown away by how great it was. This is without a doubt one of the best music documentaries I've ever seen, (and I've seen a lot!) This is a loving look back at the life and times, music and relationships of one of music's true legends. Harry Nilsson deserves to be up there with the likes of Gershwin, Cole Porter, and all the other great song writers of 20th century standards. He was considered a peer by all four members of the Beatles, who all called him a 5th Beatle, and one the same wavelength as themselves.Harry refused to tour, so many today don't remember him, and those born after his heyday, are unaware of who he was. This is tragic. Everyone should have the opportunity to be exposed to this wonderful talent. This film is a step in the right direction, to finally give the man his due. Unfortunately, the film has yet to have wide distribution, or even a DVD so for the time being, good luck in getting to see it.If you are someone with the power to put together a DVD distribution deal, PLEASE contact the film makers. This film needs to be available. Hey VH-1, how about screening it on air, then maybe putting it out on DVD? Harry Nilsson deserves nothing less.
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