Buffalo '66
Buffalo '66
R | 26 June 1998 (USA)
Buffalo '66 Trailers

Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla and visits his parents with her, pretending she is his girlfriend and they will soon marry.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
cbockiii Almost every sentence that comes out of Vincent Gallo's mouth makes me laugh. He says terrible things in his movies and in interviews, but he's one of the most interesting people in show business.Every actor in this movie did a super job. Gallo, Christina Ricci, Mickey Rourke, Ben Gazarra, Anjelica Huston, Goon... the list goes on. How much of it was because of Gallo's direction, I don't know, but I loved every minute of it.You can imagine the hilarity in an innocent, kind woman falling for a guy who is a miserable jerk. She never gives up, and the audience reaps the rewards of that. He's a jerk to his family, he's a jerk to his friends and he's a jerk to her. And all of it is hilarious.
tieman64 "Buffalo 66" was the feature length directorial debut of writer-director Vincent Gallo. The film stars Gallo himself as Billy Brown, a young man who has recently been released from prison. In an effort to impress his parents, Brown kidnaps a young woman, played by Christina Ricci, and forces her to pose as his wife.In real life, Gallo has a reputation for being an arrogant, irritating narcissist. Many believe this persona to be a sham, Gallo turning his life into a kind of performance art piece. Whether this is true or not, I don't know. The point, though, is that for much of "Buffalo 66's" running time, Billy is portrayed as a supremely unlikeable jerk. Gradually, though, Gallo begins to reveal where Billy's more abrasive qualities stem from. The film then ends with Billy turning his back on hate, anger, jealousy and blame. Elsewhere it contains brief sequences in which characters dance, sing or watch television, little vignettes which speak to lives of regret. Be they Billy, Billy's parents, or an ageing sportsman called Scott Wood, everyone in the film seems weighed down by past disappointments. Using flashback sequences which frame the past within television boxes (and later, photographs), the film perhaps implicates the Hollywood dream factory itself in setting up and shattering illusions."Buffalo 66" builds to a very touching final act. But it also contains a number of overly quirky moments which clash awkwardly with the film's more realist tone. These include a "bullet time" sequence which pre-date similar sequences in 1999's "The Matrix". The film co-stars Mickey Rourke and Rossana Arquette.8/10 – Worth one viewing.
Andy Steel Clearly made on a budget, there is no fancy CGI, no big car chases and no big fight scenes. It's a piece that relies very much on performance to keep it together and on that front I can't fault it. Both Vincent Gallo and Christina Ricci did a fine job, as did Ben Gazzara and Anjelica Houston. I guess it's one of those films that's more about the inner workings of the mind; you find yourself asking what is the motivation behind Billy's actions and what exactly does Layla see in him? I have to admit at first I really didn't like the character of Billy, but he grew on me as I came to understand him more. It's a film that took some time to get going but I found it a worthy watch eventually.SteelMonster's verdict: RECOMMENDEDMy score: 6.6/10You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.
Gordon-11 This film is about a man who has just got out of prison. He kidnaps a girl and makes her pretend to be his wife in front of his parents.You need to be in a certain mood to appreciate the subtle beauty of "Buffalo '66". The lead character Bobby Brown is not a likable person at all, as he is rude, aggressive, impulsive and egocentric. The plot might appear slow moving, but underneath this slow motion there is a wave of emotional undercurrent. Bobby is unloved throughout his life, which is so well portrayed by the shocking interaction of Bobby and his parents. The relationship between Bobby and Layla is strange and yet captivating. The motive of Bobby for finding someone to love is clear, but unfortunately we do not know why Layla cooperates with Bobby. She could easily have walked away, but she chose to stay. "Buffalo '66" would have been even better if Layla's backgrounds and state of mind were told.