| 23 May 2014 (USA)
Cargo Trailers

Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect the precious cargo he carries: his infant daughter.

Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
bob the moo A father comes to in his car, strapped into the seat next to him his wife has become infected but in the back seat his baby daughter is fine. With a zone nearby known to be safe from infection, the father sets out to ensure safety for his baby girl no matter what the cost.As Theo has already said, the zombie horror genre is a pretty regular one in the genre of short films and, although I personally get scared quite easily by them, it is a genre that can easily feel tired and overused. It is to Cargo's credit then, that it creates something that works really well and doesn't rely on the usual jump scares or clichés of the genre. Here our setting is a zombie apocalypse but really the film is about love of a father for his child and this aspect is what keeps the interest and ultimately moves. The simple idea is delivered without any dialogue but yet the determination and the fact that the father never thinks of himself is really nicely shown.If I had a complaint it would be that the music is a bit too obviously tragic and the final shots of sitting on the hill with the baby is a little corny, but the concept delivers the feels even if the specifics such as these are not what I would have liked. The genre is used to deliver something more than the norm and it is moving and memorable for what it does.
Theo Robertson A man awakens from a car crash to find that his wife has become a zombie . Exiting the car he rescues his baby daughter from the backseat then realises he has a bite mark which will almost certainly convert him in to being a zombie Yet another film featuring a zombie apocalypse . You can understand why film makers keep visiting this sub genre of horror because it's relatively easy to stick a few extras on location with some make up and that's all you basically need . Like so many zombie shorts you feel you're watching a segment of a much longer feature and CARGO is no different . What this short does very well is bring a human element to the narrative . We know that the father has been bitten , that he has a baby to protect and our fears are for that baby should the father become one of the infected/undead . It possibly won't have a market outside the hard core horror market but it's nice to see a horror short that reflects upon the human element of a story
epsilonmight I have watched this countless times and honestly, I cannot even begin to describe when I start seeing the little nuances in this short film. However short it is, the plot is tight and it effectively encapsulates the story from past to present and future.I am not one who likes horror but even as I cringe from the first 2 minutes (maybe first minute or less), the film just gets better. Definitely right up my alley than crap with poor plots and cheap scares.Unless if you are a film critic, and even by that standards it is pretty good, you may (probably) be like me and repeat-watch this for the little actions that the father do and trust me, your gut just gets punched more.
tbirum Cargo is a 7 minute movie, so It's difficult to discuss much about the film without giving away too much of the story. What I can say is that this (short film) was crafted by very skilled hands by people who take film making seriously. The acting, concept, directing, script, special effects are all top notch. While shot on what I'm sure was a shoe string budget, It is more polished then a great deal of the movies coming out of Hollywood these days. The story is about a Father and his infant daughter who find themselves in a very dire situation and some quick thinking and a lot of luck are going to be required to see any kind of semblance of a happy ending. The film is free of Nudity, foul language, violence (on screen), or adult situations. Individuals 13 and older should have no real issues with watching this 7 minute film. I give it 10/10 because it truly is an example of great film making.
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