April Apocalypse
April Apocalypse
NR | 24 February 2015 (USA)
April Apocalypse Trailers

Artie is pure bred trailer trash. He has zero ambition, is everyone's favorite punching back at school and bears the burden of his virginity in silence. And then April moves out of the state. She's his best friend and support since kindergarten and the love of his life. Three years later Artie finally has the courage to take to the road and go see April to tell her how he feels about her. One car-crash later Artie wakes up in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But this time he's not going to hide. Artie's love for April doesn't give him wings, but does give him the courage to hack, slash, punch and kick himself a part towards the girl he loves. Time is of the essence, because that bite on his hand will make the difference between a French kiss and a bite out of April's brains.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
beelliss88 Not sure if this a spoiler or not, however, typical zombie move, yet, the sound track made it work! I am a metal head and somehow this soundtrack kept me until the end! I sometimes see movies with no idea how the soundtrack will be and then every now and then this comes along. I went into this thinking hmm and after I saw it I was pleasantly surprised! Do not go into this thinking epic zombie movie but do go in thinking sweet little love story! A few funny moments made me crack up and I was still able to stay focused until the end. If you want to be entertained for a little bit then this might work for you. Again typical but it worked for me.
Paul Magne Haakonsen For some reason this movie ended up with the title "Zombies: An Undead Road Movie", which was the title of the DVD that I purchased. But of course, anything even remotely zombie does catch my attention.Without any knowledge of the movie, its story or cast, then I sat down to watch "April Apocalypse". But I have to say that I wasn't overly impressed with the movie as a whole. Now, don't get me wrong, as I am not saying that it is a bad movie. It is just a very generic movie which offers absolutely nothing new to the zombie genre.The two main acting talents Reece Thompson (playing Artie) and Rebekah Brandes (playing April) were doing good enough jobs carrying the movie, although they had very little material to work with at the hands of director Jarret Tarnol.It was, however, William Morgan Sheppard (playing Pops) who made it worthwhile to sit down and watch the movie, despite of him not having a particularly big role.The effects in the movie were good enough, just don't expect an abundance of blood and gore, even though this is a zombie movie. This is more of a teenage movie infused with a zombie element, so I was somewhat out of the target audience.Storywise, then it was basic and simplistic. A teenager setting out to reach his high school love amidst a zombie infested America. Right, fairly straight forward and simple storyline. But for a zombie outbreak, then Artie encounters surprisingly few zombies along the way."April Apocalypse" is nothing extraordinary, and as an avid zombie aficionado, then I must say that this movie came and went without leaving a dent or impression.
ericrnolan When it's "April Apocalypse" (2013). Don't let that dissuade you from watching it, though, because despite being a derivative zombie movie, it's still quite good. (THIS REVIEW CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS.)To be honest, it actually borrows more heavily from "Zombieland" (2009), with its tone and narrative style. But … I actually think I like this more than "Zombieland," because the humor of that popular movie often fell flat with me, and I walked away feeling that it was a little overrated."April Apocalypse" actually has a smart, funny script, with a likable kid as a protagonist (capably played by Reece Thompson, who reminds me a little of Ryan Reynolds). There are a lot of genuine laughs, depending on off-beat, quirky characters and dry line delivery. The family scenes are extremely funny — who would have thought that the prison rapist from "The Shawshank Redemption" (Mark Rolston) could be a hilarious dysfunctional Dad? I'd give this movie an 8 out of 10, and I cheerfully recommend it to fans of the genre.I … don't always respond so well to horror-comedies, so some of the truly black humor was a turn-off for me. We see a church full of desperate people perish in a manner that is supposed to be funny; one character dryly shrugs them off as expendable "Jesus Freaks." If you ask me, that's disturbing, not funny. Ask yourself this, secular friends — what if the script was different, and those sacrificed (in grisly fashion) were attendants at an American Atheist Convention? Most of my close friends who enjoy "The Walking Dead" as much as I do are also Christian. Which makes this joke, at the very least … icky, in my opinion.We also see a running gag that I've seen pop up from time to time in zombie films and fiction. Otherwise good-natured characters gleefully enjoy killing the zombie versions of people who they disliked when they were alive. That's some pretty dark humor, and maybe it's transparently pathological. I like survival stories of people coming together to fight an insurmountable threat — not murder-by-proxy jokes.Finally, I would have gone with a different ending. I won't say more because I don't want to make this post too spoiler-heavy.Anyway, sorry to over-analyze and be a grumpy old man. Do give this film a chance and watch it. It was surprisingly good and made me laugh a lot.
Psy-Ko It's a zombie movie, it's a love story, its a coming of age comedy. What it really was though is just a fun movie. Seems like people these days watch movies just to pick them apart. I just want to be entertained and this one entertained me. Yes the characters were cliché but that was part of it's charm. It reminded me of an 80's movie where there was always the main kind of geeky guy who finds himself and gets the girl, the hot girl who finally realizes the geeky guy is her soul-mate, the jock who gets his in the end and of course the stoner for comedic relief.Speaking of comedic relief, there was a perfect balance of it which is something that's hard to do. Production values were decent but it is a lower budget movie so don't expect spectacular kills or special effects that will blow you away. Luckily that's not the focus of the movie, the story is, imagine that. I wasn't a big fan of the ending on this, seemed that the rest of the movie was so clichéd that it should have had the clichéd happy ending. I'd actually like to see them re-shoot a different ending and re-release it. Even ending with the two of them fighting off zombies would have been cool (and left it open for a sequel) But overall I liked it, I'd give it 7 out of 10 stars, it kept me entertained and made me feel for the characters, gave me a few laughs, what more could I ask for? May not be one you want to add to your movie collection but definitely worth a one time watch.