Daddy's Home 2
Daddy's Home 2
PG-13 | 10 November 2017 (USA)
Daddy's Home 2 Trailers

Brad and Dusty must deal with their intrusive fathers during the holidays.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Floated2 Daddy's Home 2 is the followup to the hit Daddy's Home released in 2015. This sequel feels more as a sequel than a followup and feels more so done since the original was such a success. The plot is quite thin and predictable, though does have some moments. There are lesser laughs and total enjoyment in this film compared to the original. The addition of Mel Gibson works as his character is enjoyable and brings in several laughs. Overall, Daddy's Home 2 is somewhat of a disappointment but given the reviews this was expected.
w-85355 The movie Daddy's Home 2 it was about who was the best dad ever and they wanted to have a fun Christmas vacation so they went or a big house for Christmas. Overall I thought this was a good movie. In the beginning "Will Ferrell" went to pick the kids up from school and then came along "Mark". Everyone was coming over for Christmas and they all wanted to go on a vacation with each other. Things that were good about the movie was that they all went on vacation and "Will Ferrell" almost killed himself Trying to clean the driveway and got the Christmas lights in the snow blower. The only negative thing about the film I thought was that near the end "Will Ferrell" dad started acting different and then near the end we found out that his mom died. "Will Ferrell" is one of my favorite Characters of all time seeing him in all the good movies he has been in. Mark is also a good character because he's funny and likes to show off a lot. Overall I think this is a good movie and I would recommend it to everyone that wants to watch a movie. If they make a Daddy's Home 3 I would totally go watch it because they keep getting funnier each time.
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Daddy's Home" 2 (2017) is just a lame movie. Now i really enjoyed the first movie - it was very dumb, mindless but kinda very funny movie. This one is just dumb, mindless and lame. All of these great actors were just having fun with this project and collecting their paychecks - nothing else. Overall, there is nothing else to say about this movie. If you are a bit drunk, you will like it more then sober. There some funny moments but they are far and in between. Poor comedy.
bettycjung 4/16/18. Not a bad follow-up to the first movie, which was better. Here it is close to one hot mess because there were just too many people to keep track of. Of course, this may be closer to real life with so many divorces and remarriages, one can only imagine what these kinds of relationships do to the kids. A schmaltzy approach to Christmas in the modern world.