Herbie Fully Loaded
Herbie Fully Loaded
G | 22 June 2005 (USA)
Herbie Fully Loaded Trailers

Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the free-wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor.

Manthast Absolutely amazing
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
elainefourie It's been 13 years since this came out! And to this day it will always be my favourite movie of all time
Tweekums Many years have passed since the sentient 1963 VW Bug named 'Herbie' took the racing world by storm; now he has been consigned to a junk yard awaiting the crusher. Meanwhile Maggie Peyton has just graduated from college so her father rewards her with her choice of car… from the junk yard. Inevitably she chooses Herbie, or more accurately Herbie chooses her. It quickly becomes apparent to her that Herbie is no ordinary car as he drives her to her friend Kevin's garage where he works as a mechanic. He later takes them to a race event where she ends up beating stock car racer Trip Murphey in a street race. He is determined to get his own back and gets her to race against him again; this time the winner gets ownership of the loser's car… Maggie obviously wants Trip's stock car but Herbie doesn't want to be passed over for another car and throws the race. Maggie will have to save him from destruction once more before facing Trip again. There are other problems too Maggie is part of a racing family but promised her father that she wouldn't race again after an accident when she was younger and having been caught lying to him must regain his trust.I'd seen the original Herbie films as a child and recall enjoying them but wasn't expecting too much of this; perhaps it was because I wasn't expecting too much I found myself rather enjoying it. Yes it is obviously rather silly but it is also a lot of fun. Lindsay Lohan is charming as Maggie; she easily carries the film with her fine performance. She is ably supported by Matt Dillon who, unsurprisingly, makes a suitably unpleasant villain in the role of Trip; nicely over the top in a way that remains suitable for a film aimed primarily at children. Michael Keaton and Justin Long also impress as Maggie's father and Kevin respectively. There is another major character of course… Herbie; he is portrayed in an enjoyable way; at first appearing to be somewhat possessed, there is even mention of getting an exorcist, then developing a relationship with Maggie; all without saying a word. The action scenes are for the most part fairly exciting; there are some pretty silly moments but they are clearly aimed at younger viewers and I'm sure they will be delighted by them. Overall I'd recommend this, mainly to those with youngish children but also to the young at heart.
Python Hyena Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005): Dir: Angela Robinson / Cast: Lindsay Lohan, Matt Dillon, Michael Keaton, Justin Long, Breckin Meyer: New generation update of the Love Bug known as Herbie. Family film about reaching full potential as Lindsay Lohan graduates from college and pursues racing, against her father's wishes. A trip to the junk yard leads to the purchase of Herbie and the realization that this car has a mind of its own. Story is thread bare but director Angela Robinson transcends the feel of earlier films. This is a tremendous decline for Lohan after her high point in Mean Girls. Here she takes a backseat to special effects, which is an insult to an actress who is beyond this tribe bullshit. Matt Dillon plays competitive champion Trip and the role is total cardboard. Michael Keaton plays Lindsay's father in a huge career decline. Justin Long plays Lindsay's mechanic friend. Breckin Meyer plays her brother whose driving record is about as bad the media incidents surrounding the film's star. A cast of this nature should be involved in a movie deserving of their talent and this isn't it. The car's ability is never explored but that has been a consistent issue with all of these films. We are just expected to accept the idea that this car can think. Perhaps it could have came up with a better screenplay than what is given here. It is an unnecessary update that deflates like bad tires. Score: 3 / 10
lisafordeay So Lindsay Lohan isn't the same person since she starred in some Disney films but still though this film was actually one of the greatest that she was in. She plays a girl called Maggie Peyton who's dad played by Micheal Keaton,doesn't want her to race after his wife passed away a few years ago and that she is the dead spit of her mother(yes Disney sure has a knack for overprotective parents)so when her dad decides to get her a car for a graduation present and ONLY for driving NOT for car racing,she decides to get the VW himself Herbie. But she doesn't know that the car actually has a mind of its own(hence that's what Herbie is about). Maggie meets up with an old friend played by Justin Long(who I swear reminds me of another actor but anyway)he helps her with the car racing under the guise of Max as she wears a helmet to hide her face when she meets up with the cocky egotistical jerk Trip Murphy(Matt Dillon) so will she win the race?,what will her father think of her betrayal? is this movie going to get a happy ending...well you have to see it for yourself.SO after my little synopsis you think that this is the best movie ever?? Well not exactly but if you love cars and Lindsay Lohan before she went off the rails and likes Disney including me then check it out but for this movie im giving it a 6/10