Sky High
Sky High
PG | 29 July 2005 (USA)
Sky High Trailers

Set in a world where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young Will Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
loriharon Sky High is set in a time where superheroes are likely to be your neighbors and classmates. William Stronghold is not a top tier superhero, just a minor one which would be alright except he is the son of Commander and Jetstream- the most awesome Superhero pair(played with grace by Kelly Preston and Kurt Russell). The film is well paced, funny and heartwarming and involves all the tribulations that high school kids suffer from- rejection, bullying, popularity, infatuation. The young actors are all good and the special effects are not so flashy they become centerstage and yet good enough to be believable. Sky High is a great superhero movie which surprised me. You should definitely check it out if you like fun and heartwarming movies with a dash of humor.
Realrockerhalloween Skyhigh was a teeny bopper flick I originally wrote off when it first came out thinking it was a borefest.This sleepy hit managed to win me over by excellent performances, special effects and the message of the film about strength coming from within. Will is an everyday kid, with superheroes for parents, who is worried that the mutant gene has passed him over and won't be able to make it at Skyhigh.Those who can't lead follow behind as sidekicks and are considered second class citizens to the boss they are assignedI felt for Will and his friends who only wanted to impress their parents. I wanted his parents to believe and trust in their son to be a great man no matte what.Layla touched my heart as the girl next door secretly in love with her best friend trope. You could see the hurt in her eyes and the innocence she possessed. Her side plot with Warrren peace was cute and I actually rooted for them in the end to get together. Bruce Campbell gave a great tongue in check performance as the fun teacher responsible for the training of tomorrows leaders. He was robbed an Oscar that year.What makes it original is the format seems like a stop motion comic book come alive on the big screen with an awesome 80s soundtrack.The plot is predictable, what movie isn't since Greek times, but it has something for everyone suspense, heart, cute boys and girls for both sexes and content for parents to enjoy who watch it with their kids.Its a nice way to spend a quite afternoon by yourself.
Paul Magne Haakonsen For a family movie, then "Sky High" turned out to be an okay movie actually. There is something for just about everyone here, ranging from superheroes, teen love story, comedy, villainy, and of course Bruce Campbell.The story is about Will Stronghold, the son of two world famous superheroes The Commander and Jetstream. Troubled about his lack of powers, starting at the prestigious Sky High Academy for superheroes and wanting to fit in, life is a roller-coaster of ups and downs for Will. Especially because a diabolical plan is being set in motion by someone no one suspects."Sky High" is a good, wholesome movie for the entire family, and it offers action, romance, thrills and heroism in just equally great amounts.While this is a superhero movie, don't set yourself up for a level of superhero and effects similar to movies like "X-Men" and the likes. It is a family movie, so it is accordingly set.I was particularly thrilled with seeing the legendary Bruce Campbell in this movie. But I will say that all-round people were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.So let the family gather up and prepare to go sky high...
adi_2002 Will is getting ready for his first day of high school, his parents are super heroes who are fighting with giant robots to save the town and he is looking forward to arrive at his new school to discover what powers he has left from his father and mother as inheritance. Together with his friends he goes by bus but cannot walk up there so it turns into a plane that will take them there. Here he meets beautiful Gwen witch he will fall for her later. At a class each of those present have to show their powers in front of professor but surprisingly Will seem to possess no super-natural power when all his teammates have a hidden talent. So students are divided into two groups and Will be part of a group of people without any special skill. Falling prey to Gwen's charms he departs from Layla his best girl-friend since elementary school when not attending the meeting that they agreed because Gwen was at his home. All school learn the true identity of Gwen, who has a secret plan and Will after he discovers his powers will have to fight against her along with his friends to save the school and his parents.The film seems to be a kind of X-men or a modern Harry Potter pretty well done and it's a movie for all age categories.