Exorcist II: The Heretic
Exorcist II: The Heretic
R | 17 June 1977 (USA)
Exorcist II: The Heretic Trailers

Bizarre nightmares plague Regan MacNeil four years after her possession and exorcism. Has the demon returned? And if so, can the combined faith and knowledge of a Vatican investigator and a research specialist free her from its grasp?

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
matthewgavin-47768 Some bad films are good to watch because they are 'bad'. Exclude this film from that type...
isabella_laurie This movie gave me PTSD, anytime a movie start to even remotely look like Exorcist 2 I start to have a panic attack. Just don't wast your time mental stability over this movie it's not worth it.
Platypuschow It's amazing when you think about it, The Exorcist (1973) is a cult classic. It's a movie that has been in the IMDB top 100 and is on the precipice of going back in. So how did it spawn a sequel so universally despised?Well for a start the films cast follows on from the first and that should mean something, it follows directly on from the events in the first film so again that should be in the plus column.Further to its credit we're talking Richard Burton, Max Von Sydow & James Earl Jones as well as the underappreciated Linda Blair.But here is where it all goes wrong, the plot is a mess and the fact it's following on from the original movie so seamlessly damages its credibility. It's taking a beloved story and quite frankly defacating all over it.It does look ahead of it's time, but the story is truly awful and makes it a film that's somewhat of a struggle to get through.Truth be told as much as I'm a horror fanatic the exorcism sub-genre has always been one I've struggled to enjoy so this infamously bad title didn't stand much of a chance.From everything I've seen so far I'd advise Joe Average to watch the original film, and go no further.The Good:Looks great for its timeLinda BlairThe Bad:Plot is an utter messThings I Learnt From This Movie:Crutches are ideal tools for putting out firesLinda Blair should have had a considerably better career
alexanderdavies-99382 "The Exorcist 2: The Heretic," is not a good film by any means. People like William Freidkin and Ellen Burstyn are sorely missed, the reduced budget is all too obvious, the script is poor and the plot in general is ridiculous. Richard Burton made a wise move in making this film just for the money - divorce settlements can be costly! He does his best to add something to this "Exorcist" film but his efforts are all vain. The same is true of Linda Blair. It certainly made sense for her to reprise her role from the 1973 film but her best efforts can't save this one.
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