Shock Waves
Shock Waves
PG | 15 July 1977 (USA)
Shock Waves Trailers

Visitors to a remote island discover that a reclusive Nazi commandant has been breeding a group of zombie soldiers.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
dworldeater Shock Waves is a creepy and atmospheric horror classic that was quite original for the time and well done overall. A ship cruises on the Carribean and when they are hit by a big, old ship with no crew they take refuge on an island. They don't have Johnny Depp's pirates to worry about, but nazi zombies that have been out to pasture since the second great war. Peter Cushing was the commander of this special unit of undead super soldiers that were put out of commission because they could not be controlled. John Carradine also appears in the film as the boat's captain. Excellent performances from both these legends as well as solid performances from the rest of the cast. Even though the film is very low budget, the zombie make up f/x are great. The film is not gory at all and for the time that this was made the approach to the genre was pretty old school. Nevertheless, this picture was very well done with great tension and ambiance with an ominous, haunting score. Shock Waves holds up well and is very influential for film and other media to come. Great film!
BA_Harrison To my knowledge, Shock Waves has the distinction of being the first bona fide Nazi Zombie movie (a couple of films dallied with the idea in the forties and fifties, but they don't really count). It's a concept that has proved rather popular with horror film-makers over the years, with titles like Zombie Lake, Oasis of the Zombies, Outpost, and Dead Snow amongst those that have appropriated the idea. But just because it was the first, doesn't make it any good.The film's prologue recounts how the Nazis conducted bizarre experiments during WWII, exploring the supernatural in the pursuit of creating an invincible army of the undead. The film then cuts to the present as a catatonic woman, Rose (Brooke Adams), is rescued from a dinghy found adrift in the sea. The rest of the film is a flashback, in which we learn that Rose is the only survivor of a group shipwrecked on a remote island after their pleasure cruise collides with a freighter in the night. As if that wasn't bad enough, a strange solar phenomenon has awoken the long dormant Nazi zombies that lurk at the bottom of the sea.The problem with Shock Waves is that it really doesn't do anything of interest with its promising premise, with a long, tedious build up to the arrival on the island, followed by lots of aimless and extremely boring meandering through swamps and undergrowth, and a succession of rather dull and completely bloodless deaths. Peter Cushing crops up as the German officer in charge of creating the 'Death Corps', but is given very little to do, and John Carradine plays the salty sea captain of the damaged boat, but even the presence of these two horror legends cannot save this one from being a total waste of time.
Johan Louwet The concept of zombies that are at advantage under water created by the Nazis during World War II was interesting the execution though is much less exciting. It started of well with the boat of 7 people almost hitting a ghost ship only to find out it changed into a wreck the next day. Stranded on an island with only a retired SS officer (Peter Cushing again) and Nazi zombies who are out to kill them. Not for blood or to eat their flesh, they just want to kill. It's the run of the mill body counting stuff and you know who is going to survive since you see her right at the start of the movie trying to remember what happened. Character development is almost non-existing, the most background story was there for the zombies who wore sunglasses because they couldn't stand the light. No suspense and as usual with flicks like these the victims do stupid things making it too easy for the killers. Thank God the final girl regularly gave some bikini shots or this would have put me to sleep long before the end came.
eunichman ... when on a remote island surrounded by an unknown number of enemies.The acting was below low budget, the script may have been a good idea but was poorly implemented... I have seen worse movies but not many... there is just so much WRONG with this film the viewer finds them self scratching their head wondering what in the world the director was thinking...Lessons we learned: When you have an enemy known to be water based, stay away from water When you are only but a few, and get separated, do NOT scream out for each other lest you attract said enemy If you DO find yourself in a body of water and you cant see your feet, don't take off your shoes.... (this is common sense anyhow) The way to kill a supposedly invincible water bound zombie is take off their "sunglasses" Don't stand up in a boat that's in water (duh) I can go on and on of things that were stupid about this movie, which was not frightening in the least and very predictable, but I don't have time to write a novel :). The ONLY redeeming quality about this movie was the "The End" at the end.