My Name Is Bruce
My Name Is Bruce
R | 01 October 2007 (USA)
My Name Is Bruce Trailers

B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
reddit-fsb Out of 10...-1 for the pathetic (even for the slapstick genre) scenes w/ monster (it'd be "-2" without the "heat lightning" scene w/ hand).-2 for a weak acting of frontmans (it doesn't apply to Ted Raimi and the ladies; it'd be "-3" without the "not me" scene w/ bowl).-1,5 for a sharp drop of temp in the last dozen minutes (nurse Kasey could definitely help; she brings by herself extra +0,5 for the film).Overall that's 6.I sincerely thank Mark Verheiden.
SnoopyStyle Teenagers in the tired mining town of Goldlick vandalizes the local graveyard and releases GuanDi, god of war and protector of the dead from the mining shaft where 100 Chinese souls were trapped. Now GuanDi is after the rest of the town. The surviving teen Jeff is a big Bruce Campbell fan. He kidnaps Bruce to rid the town of GuanDi. Bruce is a famous B-movie actor and also a drunken loud mouth arrogant divorced loser. Bruce thinks this is a birthday gag from his agent Mills Toddner (Ted Raimi) and happily goes along with the GuanDi hunt.Bruce Campbell is playing his alter-ego as a real A-hole. He's putting all his might into this. There are a lot of inside jokes about his other movies as well as a few alumni from those movies. The most recognizable is Ted Raimi. People who are familiar with those movies would understand those jokes. However they aren't particularly funny. Bruce Campbell is really trying hard but he doesn't have anybody to play with. The other actors are mostly amateurs and it feels like it. The GuanDi song is kinda catchy although they use it a little too much. The movie is just a little too amateurish and not quite funny enough.
symbolicalex93 First of all, this movies targeted audience is definitely fans of B-movie icon Bruce Campbell. The film is loaded with cameos and references to his past classics and is something that a fan would truly love and appreciate. I know i did. The acting is silly and cheese, and the atmosphere is witty and campy. it actually kind of makes fun of the genera that makes fun of other genre's. if that makes sense. but nonetheless it's an enjoyably film that's fueled by its goofiness, and like all Bruce Campbell flicks is by no means meant to be taken seriously. At first i could remember being a little put off by the four boneheads were introduced to in the beginning of the film (one being are co-star), but it all plays off in moments and the story pretty much takes off from there. so the only real criticism i can give the movie is a weak opening, but what film doesn't have its flaws mishaps. so its fun for the fans but probably not the whole family. But even if your going into this thing without a clue, just remember to try to have fun with it.
BA_Harrison Cult B-movie actor Bruce Campbell is worshipped by his fans, many of whom would watch the bloke clip his toenails just so long as he did his trademark gurning and let loose with a few catchphrases in the process. In order to create a buffer between himself and these over-adoring followers, the star has carefully developed a reputation for being somewhat brusque when face-to-face with his devotees—requests to say 'Give me some sugar, baby' are apparently met with short shrift—and this affected animosity has since become part of the Campbell legend.In post-modern horror/comedy My Name Is Bruce, Campbell portrays himself as a highly exaggerated caricature of this obnoxious alter-ego—a wise-cracking, sexist, hard drinking jerk, quick with the quips, fast with the fillies, and mean to those who worship his every move; in the right hands, this knowingly silly slice of self-mockery could have been a lot of fun, but the wildly uneven script delivers only a few genuine laughs and zero scares (the film's demon about as frightening as your average Scooby Doo monster), while Campbell's routine direction displays little of the visual flair that one might expect from someone who has worked so closely with Sam Raimi in the past.Campbell does manage to deliver a reasonable smattering of gore, with heads lopped off left, right and centre, but that other prerequisite of any self-respecting B-movie—gratuitous female nudity—sadly goes unfulfilled, a shame because leading actress Grace Thorsen possesses a rack as fine and as mighty as Bruce's legendary chin.