Man with the Screaming Brain
Man with the Screaming Brain
NR | 03 April 2005 (USA)
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The brains of a Russian taxi driver and a wealthy businessman are brought together in one body by a mad scientist.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
charliesonnyray It's obvious by my rating that I hated this film. A lot. I wanted to see it because I thought the premise was interesting but soon all that it had going for it went down the drain. The movie has some serious problems with pacing as some things feel like they came out of the blue. The story is the main issue of this whole film. To be honest, it's like if a bad Frankenstein film got mixed in with a really weird and poorly written romance. The characters are pretty flat and most of the comedy is pretty bad, unfunny and just makes you want to face palm. The effects are pretty cheesy and the acting is even worse. The script is over all just a mix mash of good ideas that went wrong and terrible writing. I feel like I should have put a restraining order on this film.
Lee Eisenberg Or if you've seen the "Evil Dead" trilogy and/or "Bubba Ho-Tep", then you should know that his movies are total farces. With "Man with the Screaming Brain", he goes all out again. In this case, he plays smarmy American businessman William Cole visiting Bulgaria - when do we ever get to see that country? - when a woman kills him. So, strange scientist Ivan Ivanov (Stacy Keach) replaces half of Cole's brain with the brain of a former KGB agent, leaving him acting sort of like Steve Martin in "All of Me".Yes, the whole movie is pretty much an excuse for pure nonsense. Much of the real humor comes from "Evil Dead" director Sam Raimi's brother Ted as Ivanov's nearly brain-dead assistant Pavel. The two men have a relationship more like Laurel and Hardy or Gilligan and the Skipper.So just understand that this is a totally silly movie, and you won't be a bit disappointed. I liked it, anyway.
gothicgoblin1334 Now, the sci-fi channel original company has made some pretty crappy films (House of the dead 2, All souls day, etc.) but when you leave the job entirely to horror master actor/writer and now director, Bruce Campbell, you get one of the best damn made for TV independent horror films ever made! I normally hate these movies, in my previous review, House of the dead 2, I could not believe how horrible the film was! But somehow I took a liking for this film, a very good liking for this film. The violence is good and so is the black comedy in the film and I recommend you get it, a true Bruce Campbell masterpiece! Well, since there is only a few more lines left I can say whatever I want about this movie: IJAJKASIF JHJDJ NXD FNEHSD FHNCFNFVHS DJKEALJWSNS.UHHD SISHSNHF AHCNAKDJH HNDCHJNDNH JACND HCHJNNHW JHJ NASHDNFHCKA FHNKHAD SAKASDADJ FJKDFA
Stanley Strangelove I like Bruce Campbell from his Evil Dead and Army of Darkness roles so I was hoping The Man With The Screaming Brain would be better than it is. Unfortunately most of it is a bore. There is some good satire at the beginning of the film then it degenerates into a wannabe horror film. Ted Raimi steals the show doing a Shemp Howard (Three Stooges) impersonation which is certainly over the top but it's the only funny thing in the movie. The two women in the film look great -- Antoinette Byron and especially Tamara Gorski with her fiery eyes. Vladimir Kolev as Yegor the cab driver is very good. Stacy Keach is wasted, another aging actor placed in a horror film like so many have been in the past.You can see Bruce Campbell trying to pay homage to Sam Raimi's directorial style in a few scenes. Filmed in Bulgaria.
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