Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis
Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis
R | 15 October 2005 (USA)
Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis Trailers

A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Paul Magne Haakonsen The fourth movie in the "Return of the Living Dead" series is not a particularly memorable movie, not in general nor for the franchise. It is, at best, a mediocre movie that just made it into production because of its title.Story-wise there was nothing outstanding or impressive to be seen or experienced here. It is mindless entertainment that is fair enough for what it was. Just don't expect anything mindblowing.The characters were mundane and not memorable, although this was mostly to blame on the writers, not the actors and actresses themselves. Well, aside from Peter Coyote who wore a goofy smile throughout the entire movie. It was just becoming a thing of irritation.The zombies were adequate, although not outstanding by most accounts. However the two über-zombies were misplaced in the movie, and it was embarrassing to witness. Sure the design was cool, but they had no rightful place in this movie.All in all, not a milestone in the zombie cinema by a long shot. It is a movie that you quickly forget once seen.
Diane Ruth Ellory Elkayem has focused the full power of his directorial creativity and vision on producing a quite stunning horror film. The opening sequence is quite disturbing and appears to have been actually filmed at the Chernobyl reactor. Screen writers Aaron Stongoni and William Butler fashioned a script of unique insight and overwhelming terror, bringing incredible freshness to what might otherwise have been just one more entry in a tired genre. Here, however, the writers and director have breathed new life into the Living Dead franchise. The characters are imbued with humanity and depth and are not simply figures running desperately across a zombie infested landscape. Iconic screen legend Peter Coyotee gives a superbly odd and effective performance as a scientist involved with a company whose business is zombie control. It is some of his finest work in years and something that will not be forgotten. Elkayem makes excellent use of exotic Romanian locations to create a simply overwhelming atmosphere of fear and dread, using never-before-seen sights as backdrops for some of the most horrific scenes ever filmed. A powerful, important addition to the Zombie canon as well as to cinema itself.
Daman-Malone It really comes down to choice I guess. However one word describes this movie.....crap. There are so many flaws in this movie it is not even funny. Zombies goes down with a bullet to the belly, there motivation now is not to eat brains, but to fight. Fight you know like Bare knuckle fighting or specifically in this movie high school slapping.The story was so bad and all over the place that any studio should use this movie as a reason to make sure they check the scripts 5 times before funding. The acting is well...acting. When I watch movies like this, I always think some spoilt little, big mouth kid has begged like a little wiener to get his budget and loans to make his so-called 'HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTER' movie...THE NEXT BIG THING.Some movies just shouldn't be make let alone associated with a classic spoof like in this case.
Justin Shanahan This movie was fantastic. I have it on DVD. This movie gave me the creeps. I prefer this one more than part 5. Overall, this movie has it's good and bad. But that's just my opinion. I personally don't mind watching this again and again. I personally find this movie good zombie movie.Spoiler: The only thing that bothered me was, the talking friend zombie and the babies in the jar. They looked like aliens in which I don't remember aliens being part of the franchise. Although I don't like comedy in a horror film. Especially one with more horror then comedy. I find the scene were the security guard calls this woman and she thinks, he's having sex while he's being killed off.