R | 15 July 2008 (USA)
Triloquist Trailers

In 1993, in Hollywood, California, a decadent ventriloquist overdoses and dies, leaving her two children to be sent to a foster house with their dummy. Their lives become a nightmare of abuse and murder, to be avenged by a wrathful dummy.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
loomis78-815-989034 Two early teens see their ventriloquist mother overdose in a hotel room in front of them leaving them orphans with her huge dummy named 'dummy'. Once they become adults Norbert (Marquette) is so withdrawn he can only talk through the dummy and Angelina (Lopachin) is a hot blonde who also is a raging psycho. They take to the streets with the dummy in tow and anyone in their way is killed by Angelina or the dummy itself. The dummy seems to have magical powers that allow him to appear behind anyway at anytime. This is never explained past the point of Angelina saying its magic! On their way to Vegas where Angelina seems to think Norbert will be a big star they kidnap a girl named Robin (Chonacas) in hopes of Norbert impregnating her to carry on their bloodline. From Writer/Producer/Director Mark Jones, the guy behind "Leprechaun" comes yet another unfortunate approach at small terror and laughs. Its obvious Jones doesn't want you to take any of this serious so the weak attempt at scares falls flat. There is some gore including the dummy biting a man's penis but the story is so unbelievable and over the top it doesn't matter. There are a few crude jokes that might make you crack a smile but if you go into this thinking there is any real horror you will be sadly disappointed. Disjointed and ineffective this film overall is poor.
MrGKB the sheer awfulness of this presumably well-intentioned piece of cinematic junk. Make-work is the best one can summon to excuse it, and a handful of kevinbacons to keep from ignoring it completely. The script by faux-auteur, Mark "Leprechaun" Jones, is utterly inept, banal, and wretched, a case study in Sturgeon's Revelation. No one in their right mind could find anything in this mess to redeem it, not even the puerile attraction of bare boobies. To be honest, the only reason I'm blessing it with a comment is to take the final step toward my 300th review on this site, and that's a conceit of slimmest rationalization. I guarantee that, even if you get to see this one for free, you'll regret the time lost from your life. Take my word, pass this one up; you're not missing a thing.
vickibabe1 It's not a sequel or a remake, and sadly, is the most original American horror film of the year. I thought Paydin LoPachin who played Angelina was excellent and wish her an accomplished film career. The dummy was hilarious and the music was awesome too. I came into this with negative expectations and was pleasantly surprised. The people who hated this flick were ones who actually took this seriously. The film wasn't made to be taken seriously--just like LEPRECHAUN. This is better than LEPRECHAUN in my opinion and I have seen in FOURTEEN TIMES and it hasn't gotten old. Am I obsessed? Probably--the reason being is because it is the most original American horror film of the year which is frankly quite depressing. Hollywood is really lazy and remaking all of these great classics is completely unnecessary and stupid. Go into this with bad expectations and leave feeling pleased with this light comedic horror which is laugh-out-loud funny.
ofjeworstlust Man, I expected a lot from this movie. It sounded like one of those puppet horror movies with a killer twist. Trailer seemed nice, but what a let down this was.The role of Angelina seemed way over the top; first it was like watching a killer spoof from Scary Movie. Not believable. Her brother was a retarded nut that didn't convince either.Was it a comedy? IMDb says it's horror. A few slightly scary moments, a few unexpected story lines. But the rest has been done before and better.The 78 minute runtime of the DVD was too long, I skipped some scenes. I wondered why it wasn't in the cinema in Holland, and why not released on DVD with my native language as subtitle, and only in German. Well, there is a clearly obvious reason for that. Thin characters, annoying at times.