Day of the Woman
Day of the Woman
NC-17 | 22 November 1978 (USA)
Day of the Woman Trailers

A young, beautiful career woman rents a backwoods cabin to write her first novel. Attacked by a group of local lowlifes and left for dead, she devises a horrific plan to inflict revenge.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
D Rahul Raj Jsd It's Ms Camille Keaton's Birthday (20 July)!!! I honored her by watching a movie she's known for, the original rape and revenge exploitation flick, I Spit on Your Grave. It's a movie that is still very realistic, even in this day and age, with hard to watch violent scenes, realistic acting, and even special effects. Camille truly gave a strong, powerful performance, and I have so much respect for her, being brave to do a movie like this, which is not an easy job to do. A movie subgenre that has moral values and it's for all you men out there. The message is to never, ever disrespect, force, or have an intention to do anything negative towards a woman, don't ever underestimate the power of women either as you'll never know what's going to happen next. You might just wake up in hell with your nuts sliced off.I'm really excited to hear there's a direct sequel to this original chapter titled I Spit On Your Grave - Deja Vu coming soon, with original Jennifer Hills herself, Camille Keaton, reprising her role. I know it's gonna be another classic with her in it, because she's a Queen and a Legend for a reason. Gotta Love Women Power!!!
macguffin54 I'm surprised (well, maybe not), but all the people who like this movie. I get the revenge angle, which is the only thing that saves it from being straight-up porn. But the rape scenes are very violent and features TONS of nudity. That makes it an exploitation film. A film that exploits women. Maybe it could have risen above that by not showing so much nudity or by showing male nudity, also (thus making the movie "raw" and "real", rather than just sleazy.) if they can edit the men's privates out than why not the woman's? Because they are catering to men who are either into the rape fantasy thing or are too dumb to realize it is NOT a feminist picture. Calling it Day of the Woman or having the woman get revenge does not save it from being exploitative. It just means they are trying to make excuses for what they are trying to get away with. It's very cheaply and poorly made and really isn't worth your time. Unless you're a wanna-be rapist.
morrison-dylan-fan After having read about the film years ago,I have been interested in taking a look at the title,but have stayed away due to how heavily cut all UK editions of the movie have been.Catching me by surprise,a family friend revealed that he had tracked down the complete uncut version of the film,which led to me getting ready to see I Spit on your Grave for the first time.The plot:Wanting to relax whilst writing her first novel, Jennifer Hills rents out a cottage in the countryside.Catching the attention of gas station manager Johnny and his two pals Stanley and Andy,Hills befriends grocery worker Matthew.Unknown to Hills,Matthew is a friend of Johnny,Andy & Stanley.Meeting up with the gang,Matthew lies to them and says that he saw Hills naked.Spying on Hills,the gang spot her relaxing in a canoe. Latching onto the canoe with their speedboat,the gang tow Hills back to shore.Reaching land,the group beat Hills into the ground by hitting her and each of them brutally raping Hills. Believing Hills to be dead,the gang get back in their boat and leave Hills corpse behind.Unknown to the gang,Hills has actually survived their ruthless attack.With the group having destroyed her innocence,Hills decides to get her revenge.View on the film:For the opening 30 minutes,editor/writer/director Meir Zarchi & cinematographer Nouri Haviv (whose cottage was used for Hills location) give the title a relaxed,Country music atmosphere,with stilted wide shots matching the relaxed,care-free nature of Hills.For the harrowing 25 minute rape sequence, Zarchi takes a delicate approach to make sure that every shot in the sequence does not feature any hint of an exploitative nature.Focusing on the torture that Hills is experiencing, Meir Zarchi keeps the rape sequence entirely at Hills point of view.Zarchi expertly uses extreme close-ups and the lack of any music soundtrack to create a horrific atmosphere,as Zarchi's tight shots reveal each of the gang to be disgusting monsters.Pulling Hills (played by an incredibly brave Camille Keaton)out of the decaying pit,Zarchi gives Hills revenge attacks an unexpected elegance,as Zarchi displays a real precession in the editing of the style,thanks to offering brief glimpses of the attacks that Hills kills the rapists with,which allow the viewer to make their own full image of each act of revenge,as Jennifer Hills spits on their graves.
a_baron This over the top and now quite infamous film can be read on many levels. An attractive young single woman from New York retreats to the country to write a novel where she is subjected to multiple rapes by a group of locals. Wisely they decide she must not live to tell the tale, but leave the murder to the simpleton of the group; he chickens out, telling them he has killed her, and then after taking some time to clean herself up and gather her senses, she sets about exacting a terrible revenge."I Spit On Your Grave" was reviled by the feminist movement – then in its second wave – on release. But is this a film that degrades women, or men, or us as a species? Is it an attempt to justify revenge; a warning to men that if you commit rape, this could happen to you; or perhaps a warning that if you do commit heinous crimes it is best not to leave any witnesses?The country hicks in this film were not particularly bright, but neither is whatever message it carries. Yes, mass murder is not the answer to rape, even if revenge is a dish that is best served cold. Better a world in which there is no revenge because there is nothing to avenge. Would that be a much duller world? Hardly. Alas, today's film-makers clearly remain unconvinced.