Troma's War
Troma's War
R | 09 December 1988 (USA)
Troma's War Trailers

A small group of typical Tromaville citizens find themselves in the path of a terrorist army controlled by the power elite...

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
spicymcboner Great Troma movie. The last guy who commented on it has obviously never watched a Troma film before. The thin plot, nudity and guts all come together to form a solid story. The cheesy humor is another staple in the making of a great "movie of the future" I mean, an evil general with AIDS? GENIUS! If you don't enjoy Tromas War, you probably don't love Bloodsucking Freaks either, which makes you a moron. If you've never watched a Troma movie before, don't comment on them as if your film tastes are so advanced. Although, you really don't need to know the whole story behind the company to enjoy this film. Lloyd Kaufman and Micheal Herz have done it yet again. Thank you.
Glenn Andreiev WAR! is another quickie exploitation film churned out by the Troma Team. Like all of Troma, the film is heavy on the bad taste (even comes with AIDS jokes) nudity, action, etc. etc. At the end of the film, all the film's heroes and heroines face the camera and cheer "America!" I guess this is so we don't boo and hiss the film too bad. I saw TROMA WAR's in the best possible enviorment for a Troma film, the old Times Square, in a run down theatre with a wall made up of tarp, along with a local lunatic who decided to sit in his seat in the lotus position and face the audience during the film. Now it's all Disney and Yuppie-Moneytraps on 42nd Street. Too Bad.
whitemale2000-2 this video is 100% retarded. besides the brain cell killing acting and plot, it's way too long. don't waste your money at the video store. i actually was mad that i sat through this garbage and spent money on it. just absolutely awful.
fhabets Tired of all these typical Hollywood macho blast'em all pics? Does the name Rambo elicit in you flu-like symptoms? Well, Troma's War is the cure for you! A perfect send-off of La-la-land's testosterone pics! Unlike, say, the "Hot Shots" parodies, this flick's satire has a lot of bite.