I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine
I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine
R | 09 October 2015 (USA)
I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine Trailers

Jennifer Hills is still tormented by the brutal sexual assault she endured years ago. She’s changed identities and cities, reluctantly joining a support group where she begins to piece together a new life. But when her new friend’s murderer goes free and the tales of serial rapists haunt her, Jennifer will hunt down the men responsible and do what the system won’t – make them pay for their crimes in the most horrific ways imaginable. Only this time, no jury may be able to save her.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
The Movie Diorama It's a sequel people, a continuation from the first controversial instalment that had viewers looking away from screens due to the sheer amount of blood, torture and obscenity. After the previous chapter, which felt all too familiar, they changed things up slightly. Following from the events of the first film, Jennifer ditches her career aspirations to become an assault hotline operator and attend group counselling sessions in order to heal her scarring experience. She develops a bond with a girl who is then mysteriously murdered. What does Jennifer do? She lures and traps these unpunished rapists/murderers and kills them in the only way possible...brutally. Stab a neck, slice a man's "Crown Jewels" (only way I could think of politely describing it) in half and even shoving a huge pipe and hammering it up someone's...well, you get the idea. That's all well and good if you have a sadistic mind, but I'm afraid that's only 7 minutes of the film. The remaining 84 minutes are bad. Just plain bad. Firstly, I actually found this film to be the most distasteful. Not because of the vivid torture scenes, which actually are few and far between in this chapter, but due to the depiction of men. Apparently we are all rapists and only live to have sex because it's the only thing we think about constantly. Nearly every male character is depicted to be disgusting, and it's offensively unrealistic. Clearly aiming for a female empowerment thriller, yet it misses and then some due to the horrendous one sided perspective. The screenplay isn't intelligent enough to make us sympathise with Jennifer, so it's just watching a woman kill men with a minimal amount of psychological analysis of her mental stability. She becomes disillusioned with society, unable to differentiate between well-meaning men and sexual predators. But the boring plot and unexciting dialogue never fully explores this. The acting was mediocre also. For a film that breaks its own formula, it feels more familiar than ever.
Leofwine_draca I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE 3: VENGEANCE IS MINE is another mindless hate-filled addition to the series, barely any different to the two films which preceded it. Okay, the formula is slightly different this time around, as the main character isn't raped at the outset, but the grisly revenge killings are, while the self-help circle material is frankly a bit dull. The problems with this film are myriad, but the weak writing is the foremost issue, with one-dimensional characters and tepid pacing throughout.For the sadists among us, there are some very graphic and nasty death scenes here, meted out to men who are more than deserving of their fate. Even so, this ventures into torture porn territory and would be quite disturbing if the CGI effects weren't so terrible. Elsewhere, lukewarm, occasionally histrionic acting also mars the experience, along with a cast filled with unlikeable characters, leaving this a sadistic chore for only the most hardened gore-seekers.
The Couchpotatoes I liked the first two so I gave this one a shot. And like the other two I like this one as well. Don't expect too much of the story though because it is basically the same. Rape victims that take the law in their own hands. If you don't like revenge movies then this one is not for you. If you like revenge movies but you don't like very graphic scenes of brutality then you shouldn't watch it as well. Because let's be honest the revenge scenes are pretty graphic and as brutal as you can imagine. But I just take it with a laugh. I even kind like the idea of the rapist getting tortured instead of going to prison for a couple months or not at all in many cases. Sarah Butler is back and she's going vigilante again. Good easy horror thrash movie for the amateurs of this genre.
videorama-759-859391 It's quite amazing to think how far this franchise has come, since that 1974 original white trash pic, with bad sound and acting. It's a great franchise, where this third installment is a refreshing one, in the fact, it doesn't follow the path of plot to the others, with just the victim killing her rapists, one by one in a frenzy of bloody violence and madness, and the movie ends. Noted this one's much gorier than it's predecessors, and really has a lot going for it. Sarah Butler returns from the original, and it's much appreciated. This good actress is even better here, than in the first. She's changed cities and names, and still the memory of all that terror, has made her man phobic. She has murderous fantasies, like just going radge with a knife on anyone who hacks her off, in that moment, where instead she represses it, instead, so you know what this can can lead to. Hey, a lot of us have the same thing, but it's after the moment, where we visualize violent and punishing retribution, on people who have done us wrong. Now known as Angela (Butler), not Jennifer Hills, she joins a rapists support group, one, a father (Doug Mckeon, would you believe? yeah the cute boy from Golden Pond, all grown up now) who lost her daughter who suicided, where she was raped, prior by a beefcake of a sh..ty gym owner, who of course got off. Why? Cliché answer here-no physical evidence. So we need someone out there who must become female judge and jury. Forming a friendship with a young uninhibited woman victim in the group, where obviously her attack, has really changed her view on things, this is cut short, weeks later, when she is killed, by the guy who put her here, so its up to, you know who, the beautiful woman with the knife and the long fixed angry glare to take matters into own hands. And when authorities step in, that really messes with Butler's plans, while putting her in a pickle. The head of the councelling session, really got on my nerves, I really wish Butler's violent fantasy or pouncing on her was real. ISOYG3, was quite a welcoming surprise, where in it's opening, with a couple of scenes together, I was deeply worried with "Are you f..kin kidding me?", but no kidding, this is probably the best out of the franchise. It's offers real messages, and truths about rape victims, where one line, about forgiveness, cut deep. The movie has good acting by Butler, and her late rape victim friend, who's even better while, Mckeon was just fantastic as the grieving father. The other strong performance is that of the pastry faced Harley Jane Kojak (remember her?) as the soft spoken therapist. There are two twists, near the end, the first, a stupid one, I didn't buy, but does makes sense, if you think about it. The second is right near the end, on the couch, which is a beauty, and funny too. Gore hounds will lap in up, with more castrations, and squirting blood, one scene on an old guy who can't be reformed, involving vaso and a pipe + a sledgehammer. A really fun horror offering in this first one, you shouldn't pass up, especially if a fan of this rape franchise.