R | 23 December 2005 (USA)
Munich Trailers

During the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, eleven Israeli athletes are taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September. In retaliation, the Israeli government recruits a group of Mossad agents to track down and execute those responsible for the attack.

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Wordiezett So much average
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
rupak_speaking There are basically three types of movies, ones which simply entertain in its running time, ones which fail to achieve that objective and ones which stay with you long after it is over. This certainly is in the third category. A chilling tale of Munich Olympic killings and the eliminations of its perpetrators aftermath, this movie drives home a point or two. The conversations between Avner and Ali and then again of Avner and Carl bring forward those arguments while the agents go about the pursuit of their targets. Despite its length, the movie is thoroughly engaging with top-notch performances from all, but hard to not mention of Mathieu Amalric and Ciarán Hinds in their respective roles. Tension was acutely palpable in the assassination scenes; and as a viewer, one would experience the journey they go through hunting down their targets and could relate to their resolve being weakened and fatigued as they go from one part of the globe to other to complete their mission and getting hunted themselves. Spielberg's take on Operation Wrath of God is dark, realistic and gripping to say the least. The infusion of the Godfather-like character of Papa to the story may have been an improvisation in the script but that much liberty can be given to this great director. Nothing less than 8/10 for this Spielberg masterpiece.
Parker Lewis Eric Bana (real name Eric Banadinović) and Geoffrey Rush headline this emotional and gripping feature from Steven "E.T." Spielberg. Eric started his career in Australia as a comedian, and Geoffrey was a dramatic actor before hitting it big with Shine. All credit to the production team for recreating the 70s look in this drama, based on real events it must be said. It seemed no expense was spared in getting the 70s look. I wonder though if Munich was a German production (it would be called München) what tone it would take.Daniel Craig (pre-Bond) is a standout in this compelling movie, and it's as though Munich primed Mr Craig to be 007, who wouldn't be afraid to go to Tripoli to achieve his goals on behalf of the Government.Sure there are a duplicity of complex moral issues in Munich (Germans know it as München). Interestingly, the title of the movie, the name of the city that hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics resonates to the point that the title of the movie is just that, Munich, not something like a verb.The end scene where Avner (Eric Bana) has sex with his wife, intercut with scenes of the gruesome deaths of the Israeli hostages on the Munich air strip at the hands of the terrorists, was I'm afraid ludicrous and tacky in my humble opinion. I'm surprised no- one exercised any veto on this. I mean really, it would be akin to John and Laura being the beast with two backs in Don't Look Now, intercut with whatever gruesome occurs in the movie, or Nick Curran banging Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct, intercut with scenes of Johnny Boz being ice-picked to death. I can only wonder what the relatives of the Israeli hostages thought when they saw this scene.
Inception Report When speaking of Steven Spielberg Munich is a film that isn't always mentioned as much. But it should be because this is an incredible film by him and is truly one of his best efforts. Personally I have no stake in The Israel-Palestine conflict but for those who do I can assure you that this is a very neutral movie Spielberg doesn't paint either side as heroes every character is a flawed human being who for better or worse is fighting for what they believe in. Munich pulls no punches during the massacre scene is brutal and bloody and disturbing to watch. Eric Bana is in my opinion and extremely underrated actor he blew me away in this movie he perfectly conveys his characters inexperience at first to the end where he is a wounded veteran traumatised by what he's done. That is another great thing about this movie there are consequences to the killings in this film it takes a toll on the characters and forces them to question what they're doing. A pre-bond Daniel Craig plays a supporting role in this film and he's excellent here he's such an interesting character despite the fact that he plays it a bit more simply than the others proving that he can do much more than just play James Bond. Another actor I love is in this movie Ciarán Hinds is in this film and is completely Oscar Worthy I loved his characters conflicted attitude and moral compass and was a very intriguing character thanks to Hinds captivating performance.I loved the teams dynamic in this film you just want them to all come out OK in the end and fear for them every time they put themselves in danger and like I said it's not straightforward they have conflicting opinions on what they're doing and why. The Final Shot in this movie is one of the greatest and most effective uses of symbolism I've ever seen it reflects Aavners arguments perfectly and tells us that Ever action has a reaction.I like Crash unlike most people, I love Brokeback Mountain like most people but I absolutely adore Munich I've watched it far more times that I really should have this is one of my all time favourite movies and should have won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapeted Screenplay. Even if you don't agree with the the subject matter you should watch this movie for its powerful themes of trust, doing the right thing and (in a way) justice.A+-100%
Python Hyena Munich (2005): Dir: Steven Spielberg / Cast: Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, Geoffrey Rush, Marie-Josee Croze, Ciaran Hinds: Place and time regards the aftermath of the 1972 murders of 11 Israeli athletes and the squad sent to terminate those responsible. Director Steven Spielberg succeeds in realism with a powerful setup then it becomes repetitious as the team tracks and kills its targets with various bomb devices. One flaw is its inability to involve viewers. That is not usually the case with a director such as Spielberg but this is not a high point in his career. Basically, this is no Schindler's List. Eric Bana leads the mission but the role is one note until the second half of the film where he examines the vengeance and the paranoia overlooking his life. In supporting roles are Geoffrey Rush and Daniel Craig as well as Marie-Josee Croze who are at the mercy of characters that never seem to come to life. Their roles are more observed than developed and that is a major drawback. This is unfortunate considering the talent in front and behind the camera involved and how flat the material becomes. Strong theme regarding revenge and whether it is warranted. Spielberg doesn't applaud revenge so much as address its madness and whether or not it actually resolves. The film is technically well made showcasing European photography but for Spielberg it is secondary to his masterpieces. Score: 5 / 10