Crimson Tide
Crimson Tide
R | 12 May 1995 (USA)
Crimson Tide Trailers

After the Cold War, a breakaway Russian republic with nuclear warheads becomes a possible worldwide threat. U.S. submarine Capt. Frank Ramsey signs on a relatively green but highly recommended Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter to the USS Alabama, which may be the only ship able to stop a possible Armageddon. When Ramsay insists that the Alabama must act aggressively, Hunter, fearing they will start rather than stop a disaster, leads a potential mutiny to stop him.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "Crimson Tide" (1995)An outbreak of emotions carries this picture by late Tony Scott (1944-2012) for a prestigious vintage midnight screening laid out by forther branches of Disney Enterprises in an almost forgotten "Hollywood Pictures" label when supreme Academy-Award actors Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman layer out fifty shades of grey in the righteous and authorized kill. Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC 2018
Lee Eisenberg Prior to Tony Scott's recent suicide, I hadn't seen most of his movies. But now I've seen "Crimson Tide". This portrays tension aboard a nuclear submarine when the hot-headed captain (Gene Hackman) wants to go ahead with a launch while the restrained executive officer (Denzel Washington) wants to wait for another signal. I didn't think that it was a great movie, but the context of rebel forces in Russia threatening to launch nukes brings up the issue of how secure weapons of mass destruction anywhere are, combined with the risk that a trigger-happy might ignore an incomplete message and decide to launch weapons. The point is, who can truly be considered sane in a completely insane situation? Like I said, it's not any kind of masterpiece, but still worth seeing. Great tension between Hackman and Washington. Appearing in early roles are James Gandolfini, Steve Zahn, Ryan Philippe and Daniel Von Bargen.
g-bodyl Crimson Tide is a must-see for anyone who likes action combined with drama or are big fans of A-list actors. Going into this movie, I expected something along the lines of The Hunt for the Red October. But what I got is a better film. This movie portrays possible real-life scenarios on whether or not submarine commanders should launch nuclear weapons.This is about a naval submarine heading to Russia to launch nuclear weapons on them. But after the radio transmission failed in the middle of the report, the captain and XO go out on each other determining what will be best thing for them to do.The acting is phenomenal. Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington are brand name actors who never do anything wrong. They are marvelous here as the captains.Overall, this is not like most thrillers. This one has a great build-up and a great ending. Also, I must note the score by Hans Zimmer. It is worth listening too. I rate this film 9/10.
compi24 "Crimson Tide" is a 1995 film Starring Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman. The Tony Scott film involves a first officer (Washington) on a nuclear submarine who clashes with his captain (Hackman) over whether or not they have enough information to perform a first strike on a volatile Russia. As far as, Tony Scott films go, they're sort of hit or miss. I loved "Man On Fire" and "Unstoppable." However, movies like "Deja Vu" and "The Taking Of Pelham 123" are just sort of "meh" for me. This is partly because Mr. Scott made a very strange transition midway through his career. He went from using a really clean and traditional camera movement (as in "Top Gun," "True Romance," and "Crimson Tide") to using this really frenetic and trippy camera style (as in "Deja Vu," "Man On Fire," and "Unstoppable"). Sometimes the latter works, sometimes it doesn't, but one thing that usually has stayed amazingly consistent throughout Tony Scott's career is a brilliant lead performance from Denzel Washington. Tony Scott and Denzel Washington have collaborated together five times, and they've crafted some amazing stuff. "Crimson Tide" is no different here - Denzel sails through this movie with an utterly incredible finesse. However, while Denzel's performance is a force to be reckoned with, the best performance in this film is from none other than Popeye Doyle himself; Mr. Gene Hackman. His portrayal of Captain Frank Ramsey is one of the most menacing performances I've seen him give in a long while. Hackman owns this ship. In terms of directing, this movie in my opinion had everything "The Hunt For Red October" had, yet there was just a tad more. While "The Hunt For Red October" filmed it's underwater combat scenes using trick photography and models in midair, "Crimson Tide" actually shot their model ships underwater and utilized practical special effects on them regularly. While "The Hunt For Red October" had a brilliant score by Basil Poledouris, "Crimson Tide". . .had Hans Zimmer. Finally, while "The Hunt For Red October"'s plot was very interesting and definitely worth watching, "Crimson Tide" managed to be one of the most intense filmgoing experiences for me in a very long time - the fear of a nuclear holocaust is hammered into your head at an almost unsettling degree. White-knuckle film? You don't know the meaning of the term. "Crimson Tide" is an unbelievable film that I will not soon forget.