R | 04 October 1991 (USA)
Ricochet Trailers

An attorney is terrorized by the criminal he put away years ago when he was a cop.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
videorama-759-859391 This is probably the only R rated film, Denzel ever did, and is one of those films that does take me back. The great titled Ricochet has a smartly constructed story which can't be faulted. Revenge has never looked so good. Lithgow plays one of his best baddest roles, as a guy Denzel puts away, after a slick takedown of the wanted criminal, where Denzel's promoted to a much better life of riches, outside of being a cop, an overnight success. How this has angered Lithgow, is immeasurable. He escapes and puts his diabolically constructed, foolproof plan of ruin on Denzel, that includes drugging him, getting videotape on him, having sex with a hooker, who gives him the clap, where he's finally reduced to a mental wreck, by the psychotic mastermind. Ricochet is stylish too, but is so cleverly constructed, in one of the best revenge scenarios I've ever seen, where the only thing that can take down Lithgow's plan, is Denzel killing Denzel. Ice T who plays a bad guy relative of Denzel's, who helps in Denzel's plan to outwit Lithgow, while also bringing some rapping lyrics, though was really wasted or forgotten, in the fact that he wasn't really needed in this film. An Impressive film, directed by Aussie's Russell Mulcahy (Razorback, Highlander) fans of Denzel's should view it, and also if craving revenge, it's a bonus, Lithgow, a villain here, who can't be dead enough. What a surprise is Lindsay Wagner, turning up in this as a police commissioner, trying to help Denzel get a grip on his luckless predicament, at the hand a mastermind psychopath, who has a leech of an assistant, childlike, who won't shut up. One thing you shouldn't do about this movie. Violence is at a minimum, though it's images are strong.
robinski34 A strong opening sequence, reminiscent of titles straight from a Hitchcock movie, bodes well and it's Denzel to the max from the opening frames. 'Ricochet' is very much a product of the 80's in its look and sound, and there's a hard edge and some snappy dialog that really pushes the action forward without pulling any of its numerous punches. This is most likely down to the screenplay being penned by Steven de Souza who wrote Die Hard; DH 2; 48 Hours and Another 48 Hours, some of the previous decades' defining films. John Lithgow's performance is suitably deranged, Kevin Pollack provides solid support (nice impression in the early stages). It's a good story, not without a Hitchcockian twist or two, arguably not particularly polished as a final product, but still a barrel load of kitschy '80's fun. Worth a look, especially for Denzel fans.
elshikh4 Aside from being adept flick with so intense elements, it's most of all important. Whereas it's a climax for all the chain of the blockbusters that (Steven E. de Souza) wrote at the whole 1980s : (48 Hrs. - 1982), (Commando - 1985), (The Running Man - 1987), (Die Hard - 1988), (Die Hard 2 - 1990), and further than that it sets, in the same time, a new character for the action, thriller movies in Hollywood during more than 10 years ahead.Look closer. Why the need for seeing (Denzel Washington) stripping to his underwear or setting nude among his buddies at the locker room in the police station (let me put the !! before the ??). The answer is : simply to attract the ladies. Millions of them. Add to that one adventurous noble hero, one so smart so maniac criminal who kills only in uniquely fierce ways (a character that the whole decade will be very fond of), plus the horrible language, the continuous action, the unstoppable killings, and the truly explosive pace, then you'll have the main keys for lots and lots of big and loud movies during the 1990s. It's like a novel (Dirty Harry) of the 1970s, yet Post-(Die Hard) of the 1980s; with endless breathtaking cliffhangers. But this one in specific managed brilliantly to be satirical as well.The smartest point in (de Souza)'s script is that it has among all of this highly commercial goods a commentary about the media that can raise a man or destroy him just like that as a powerful magical mirror that, unfortunately, doesn't always tell the truth. Being an attractive movie and handling a case also is a great formula, it could be the greatest at all; it made (The Running Man) 4 years ago also for the same gifted screenwriter.Director (Russell Mulcahy) who came, naturally, from the music video world mobilizes here all the elements through what seemed eventually like naked electric wire. This raw feel, eerie atmosphere, and bundle of nerves weren't made as chintzy or dully. Actually the acute cuttings with never-immobile camera, plus strong presence for hot colors all the time-made it as so condensed, absorbing and snazzy music video. Good cinematic one, yet not brainless and it didn't lose the actors' performance in the way. This fresh directing and this kind of intelligent scripts will be both missed in (Mulcahy)'s next works during the 1990s, from half bad (The Real McCoy - 1993), to simply bad (Resurrection - 1999) he unfortunately ended up sinking in bottomless TV or V works in the 2000s.As for the character of the evil man; in the same year of (1991) there were some original milestones : a ritual serial killer (The Silence of the Lambs), a genius psycho (Ricochet), or a metallic undefeatable one (Terminator 2: Judgment Day), amazingly the 3 were produced in the same year marking or rather defining a new generation of evil men in the American action movies, as frantic, inhuman, and cartoonish. So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 1990s, the bloody, showy, crazily violent 1990s. However in a good, somehow enjoyable, way this time. Because (Ricochet) is surely one of the sanest crazy violent movies that stroked the decade.
Newsense I don't know what other people were expecting. This was supposed to be a popcorn flick not a movie made to win Oscars. The story is simple enough Denzel Washington plays Nick Styles, a cop/attorney who busts a psychopath named Earl Talbot Blake(John Lithgow) at a drug ring gone sour. Earl Blake plots his revenge on Nick Styles in jail and escapes from prison. From then on, he systematically destroys Nick Styles life and has everyone questioning Nick's sanity.The storyline is not bad and Denzel does a great job as usual. John Lithgow is perfect as Earl Blake and its probably his best role since the scared flight attendant in Twilight Zone: The Movie. His villain is a throwback in the days when villains were villains and not these craven new age geeks who tap on laptops and run from confrontation as far away as possible. Kevin Pollak is decent enough as Nick's partner Harry. Ice-T plays Odessa(and who the hell names a man Odessa?), the man who helps Nick Styles take down Blake. If you are looking for Oscar material you are definitely in the wrong place but if you are looking for a pretty good thriller it wouldn't hurt if you tried this.