Carbon Copy
Carbon Copy
PG | 25 September 1981 (USA)
Carbon Copy Trailers

A middle-aged married wealthy white corporate executive is surprised to discover that he has a working-class black teen-age son who wants to be adopted into the almost-exclusively-white upper-middle-class community of San Marino, California.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
FlashCallahan A white corporate executive is surprised to discover that he has a black teenage son The son was born as a result of a relationship the exec had many years ago, and now his new found son can't wait to be adopted into the, almost-exclusively-white community of, San Marino, California......Oh Denzel, if you have any skeletons in your closet,this has to be the icing on the cake.It's one of the most offensive films I have ever had the displeasure to have seen, it should have been called Racism: A Kooky Comedy...The writers think that things like sexual abuse, oppression, casual racism, and typecasting is the height of hilarity.Segal spends the majority of the film double taking every five minutes, with a look on his face more or less saying 'My son is B-b-b-b-b-black???' and looking embarrassed.Jack Warden appears as the one who has the big office, and he has a face of disgust throughout the whole shambles.It's disgusting. There are jokes about chicken, Washington spends the film as the subliminal innocent party, but if you look a little deeper into the film, he is depicted as nothing more than a metaphorical slave, living in a garage, and then showing the rich white man, how the other half live.It's in my top ten worse films I have ever had the displeasure of seeing, only just pipped to the post by The Sweetest Thing.Should have been called Birth Of A Nation 2: Nothing's Changed folks!!!Vomit inducing.
lastliberal Talk about an undiscovered gem. I never knew this film existed. Denzel Washington's first film role. You could see the potential for greatness even then. Yes, I know that is easy to say now, but I really mean it. Even in this small role, he was great.My personal connection to this film aside, it really hit home the problem in this country. The divide is so great that only the election of Obama will begin to heal it. We still have the separate communities displayed here, and we still have the separate attitudes. George Segal really did a good job in displaying the angst of the two worlds that divide us.Most of the credit has to go to Oscar-winner Stanley Shapiro, for writing and producing this film. He used humor very creatively to spotlight a real problem that has plagued us for many many years.
moira-costello1987 Mr Pitt oozed 'star' in "Thelma and Louise" and so did Mr Washington in "Carbon Copy." First saw this film in Westwood in the company of my 5.9, 126 lb, 46 inch leg(s), 'corn-fed' flight attendant (Pan Am, Virgin Atlantic, British Airways) Northern California born and raised 'filthy rich' blonde bombshell of a wife. She was 21, I was 35. British, with Jewish, Anatolian Greek and Neo-Turk blood flowing through my veins. Olive skinned, more black than white. No white person would ever admit to being a racist, because they (just like religious fanatics, drug addicts, alcoholics, incurable gamblers, and, bad drivers) consider being a bigot (one who considers her or his own ethnic stock to be superior to others) to be 'normal' since they assume this 'type of behaviour' to be; nothing other, than, 'common sense!' "Carbon copy" - by virtue of the ever-so-obvious skills of the Director, Players and Entire Crew, right down to the Tea Lady (during times when 'political correctness' resembled a 'pork chop in Tel Aviv') told the story in truly lyrical fashion. Social awareness personified, light years ahead of time.
silklily This movie tries to talk to race relations and spoof stereotypes. It does do this to a certain degree but it is also quite slow, predictable and frankly, lame. And, are we supposed to believe that Denzel is a teenager here? He is almost 30 years old in this movie. Please.
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