PG-13 | 15 December 2017 (USA)
Permanent Trailers

This comedy, set in 1983 in small town Virginia, centers around a 13 year old and her family. The story of a hairstyle gone incredibly wrong and a young girl's plight to fit in while encountering bullies at a new school.

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Cnelli-682-645402 I loved these characters and the story touched my heart...didn't want it to end. Great casting...thank you
crockettandym Permanent is a enjoyable and sweet comedy about revolving around a pre-teen with the awkward name of Aurelie who is the new girl at her school in 1982 Virginia. Desperately trying to find a way to fit in, she asks her parents for a perm, a request she immediately regrets. The film also features Aurelie's parents, Jim (Rainn Wilson) and Jeanne (Patricia Arquette), two misplaced adults trying to find their place in the world. The film is very entertaining in depicting the family's misadventures with plenty of awkward but endearing moments. There are also great supporting characters. One of which who steals the show is Aurelie's no-nonsense, witty, and very pregnant teacher Mrs. Tripp (played by Abby Wathen). Wathen's characters is attempting to balance the stresses she is feeling in both the personal and professional aspects of her life, while giving us some of the film's best laughs in her attempts tame the pre-teens she is trying to educate. I highly recommend this film, it is for all of us who have made misplaced efforts in our desire to fit in.
onaona-74151 This is the type of film that may fly under the radar, but with the right distribution and support, could be a breakout hit. Looking at a summary of the plot, may be easy to dismiss as "teenage girl coming of age story" or "teen comedy with a heart" and thus not get the attention it deserves. But it is in fact a very closely observed, detailed and fresh examination of a family using the idea of hair styles and how they shape a person's public persona and inner self-esteem. The film is filled with unexpected twists and created a nuanced, at times hysterical, portrait of a small southern town. Fantastic performances. Though very funny, there is also a poignancy to it which never becomes sentimental or easy. Really hope this finds a mass audience, for if it does, it will be a hit.
mr_mrs_grundmanis Seen at the 2017 Twin Cities Film Festival, Permanent is a funny, charming movie about a family feeling uncomfortable as they start in a new town, based on the director's real-life experiences. Kira McLean is amazing, and Rainn Wilson and Patricia Arquette play off each other very well! Touches on racism.I find myself wishing that this film could be seen nationally by all my friends, and again in the Twin Cities theaters. Also, I would like to see a toll-free number/contact added for assistance if someone is being bullied.