Drag Me to Hell
Drag Me to Hell
PG-13 | 29 May 2009 (USA)
Drag Me to Hell Trailers

After denying a woman the extension she needs to keep her home, loan officer Christine Brown sees her once-promising life take a startling turn for the worse. Christine is convinced she's been cursed by a Gypsy, but her boyfriend is skeptical. Her only hope seems to lie in a psychic who claims he can help her lift the curse and keep her soul from being dragged straight to hell.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
cricketbat Drag Me to Hell is one fun horror movie! It has some predictable moments but, for the most part, it is quite unique. Sam Raimi does a good job of adding humor without diminishing the terror. This movie does not rely on blood and gore for the scares and it was refreshing to see a movie that deals with the demonic, but never becomes satanic. I definitely want to see this one again.
Osmosis Iron Sam Raimi returns to his b-movie roots. And boy is it fun and entertaining! It is a tale ripe for a gory b-movie treatment - a gypsies curse is basically as cliche as it can be.. But it goes all out, there is gore galore and every possible trope of a horror movie is used, usually quite creatively. It's a treat for all of the "Evil dead" fans and has/will make many more people go and check those out too!
undeaddt Maybe I am wrong, maybe I do not understand the concept and work that this director is into, but in my opinion, this is by far one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen. At least they should put horror,COMEDY, thriller. The animations and visual effects were so bad and hilarious it made me want to vomit. The acting was so bad, from both the awful female and the male in the couple, that I don't understand how this even past the test audience. Stupid jump scares, miserable visual and unlogical effects, horrible acting. 3/10
a-deards The greatest thing about this film is the twist and turns. it was intense and at no point did i stop watching which can easily happen in a lot of horror movies.It appears from the other reviews people either love this film or hate it. Personally I loved it as a good old fashioned suspense movie with a bit of the occult thrown in.The balance of humour, suspense and chilling story line made me really enjoy this film. The film won numerous awards which I feel justifies my view.