R | 24 July 2009 (USA)
Orphan Trailers

After losing their baby, a married couple adopt 9-year old Esther, who may not be as innocent as she seems.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Steineded How sad is this?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
paulclaassen The film started off very interesting and then turned rather creepy as the girl resorted to evil-doing, but as the film progressed, it seemed to loose its impact. Isabelle Fuhrman was excellent as the girl. I pretty much found this to be a female version of 'The Good Son' - only that was an excellent film. 'Orphan' looses direction towards the end, and I did not like the twist ending (spoiler alert) where it is discovered the girl is actually a 33-year old woman trapped in the form of a little girl due to an illness. This reveal is over-dramatized and this was where I lost interest, and it actually ruined the film for me.
fmacilvaine I absolutely love this movie! Fantastic acting and amazing story line. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Very very well done, I recommend this movie to all my friends. It is very interesting movie/thriller, and the young girl does a great job. It is actually creepy!
Cloffyizz621 After watching this movie I'm little bit disappointed. It is unfortunate that you can basically categorized this movie by simple horror check list: basic horror movie jump scare sounds? check! Simple back story to main protagonist to show that she can make certain decision? check! Some kind of rare disease, disorder, virus etc etc.? Check! You can see lately or for big chunk of the time horror films do these things.I was really hoping for something unique but still, this movie isn't quite bad really. For some reason also at some points I could relate to the main villain even the action she makes involving killing people.
John Mar Don't waste your time boys and girls . You just need to skip this movie and move to the next one when searching for films . Everything sucks . Norhing creative , absolutely no plot , no play , total absence of quality... Trust me in this , unless you are fan of boring " thriller films " that have nothing to offer ..