PG-13 | 18 January 2013 (USA)
Mama Trailers

Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
murrayabigail I watched this movie this year on demand and I loved it. The kids who played Victoria and Lilly were really good(I still can't believe the kid who played Victoria played Greta in It(2017)). I do agree that Mama could've been animated better than she was, but overall it was a FANTASTIC movie. The ending was extremely emotional, and I cried so hard when Lilly died. Definitely one of my new favorite thrillers though, one I'll probably buy at some point
Prismark10 An investment banker Jeffrey (Nikolaj Coaster- Waldau) has a breakdown and kills his wife and two colleagues. He takes his two infant daughters to a cabin in the woods and plans to kill them but they are saved by some entity that protects the girls and raises them. They call her Mama.For five years the girls' uncle, Lucas (also Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau) has led a search for the girls and they are found in the cabin. Lucas faces a custody battle with the girl's grandmother but a doctor and a medical institute come to his assistance. Lucas raises them with his rock singer girlfriend Annabel (Jessica Chastain.) When Lucas is hospitalised after an accident, Annabel reluctantly looks after the kids but Mama has been visiting the girls.The film is produced by Guillermo Del Toro and has elements of a dark twisted gothic fairy tale where things certainly go bump in the night. It is dark and creepy but by the end a little too dark as you cannot see what is going on. It probably is deliberate as the film literally falls of a cliff to a messy and stupid ending.
Eenieakane This movie starts with a long sequence of drawings that are fairly bizarre and then we are hit with the plot of the show which is enticing. Megan Charpentier and Isabelle Nélisse's performance throughout the movie is gripping and professional, a lot of people will recognise Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as dastardly Jamie from Game of Thrones but he is out-acted here (but he is good in his role as well as Jessica Chastain.The story is fairly slow for a lot of audiences and there aren't any particular 'jump scares' that are thrown at the audience, there are lots of subtle hints in there and important parts that build up to what I thought a good finale. A lot of people I feel will struggle to understand the ending and with the slow build up if they haven't got into that I can imagine that the ending will leave people feeling they want more. Not your typical horror movie but as a fairly modern horror I thought it was interesting and worthy;Pro Negative + Emotional Ending - CGI Looks Dated + Solid Acting - Story Can Be Slow + Less Cliche Than Other Horror Flicks
Pozdnyshev Okay, so some guy goes nuts and shoots his wife. He takes his two daughters out to an abandoned cabin and is about to kill them, too, but is then stopped by a ghost who happens to be at the cabin. Great... Okay, so it was a ghost who was maybe unjustly murdered in a similar way. I can buy that.But then, even after paying some guys to look all over the place for his body, the guy's brother only finds this cabin (and the girls, who are still there) -- five years later. Really? It took you all that time? Okay, fine, whatever. So the girls are feral and apparently have been helped along by this mysterious, vengeful spirit which they call "Mama."The guy's brother, and his weird over-the-hill Goth girlfriend, agree to look after the children as they are rehabilitated with the help of a psychologist. Unfortunately, this spirit follows them.Cue faux-creepy dream sequences, jump scares, and the psychologist slowly uncovering the truth that The Supernatural Is Real. Turns out "Mama" is the ghost of some violently crazy lady in the nineteenth century who died while drowning a baby she stole from a local church. There is a dream sequence showing this which is genuinely disturbing, although in a disgusting snuff-film kind of way."Mama," predictably, wreaks havoc on everyone involved, including killing several people with more ease than a trained assassin. Call me a parapsychology nerd, but human ghosts generally do not have this kind of power. "Mama" slinks around and offs victims like a multi-dimensional Green Beret. This just makes it silly to me.The ending was just confusing. It's funny, everything about this movie was perfect except for the story. The acting, the photography, the music, and the editing was all incredibly seamless. But the story was bland and cookie-cutter, just another forgettable horror flick.