NR | 17 October 2014 (USA)
Housebound Trailers

When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she's forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Wikkid_Gamez Others have covered most things well already so I will keep it short without giving anything away... I really was not expecting much from this movie as most movies put out these days leave finding an entertaining watch few and far between. That said, I am so glad I gave this one a shot! The acting was good, the story line kept a good pace and plenty of good twists and turns with a nice bit of dark humor thrown in. The end was explosive, so to speak lol. Well made, fun movie! Wish there were more like this out there. Give it a shot, you won't be disappointed.
prabhushakti 👍👍 4/4 **** This's not that sort of movie that is easy to adapt and understand. It is wonderfully packed with such flawless performance of every crew involved in the movie. All the few characters are very well scripted. Why do we watch a movie? To be entertained and we know in the thrill that nothing is real. And later we make such fun of the horrors and mystery we see on screen. But this's such a movie that is already subconsciously make you feel relaxed with its mockery of the entertainment. Gerrard Johnstone is not one of those known directors. He's young and yet intelligent enough to capture the essence of making a movie that is so dark, so thrilling, so emotional and so much sarcastic in such serious scenes. We experience something surreal in the whole movie that needs a little patience to get used to.
bryanbph-82636 I watched it because it seemed like it would be a good late night suspense / horror movie. The first part of the movie drags on a bit as the character personalities are presented to us, but things kick in about 40% into the movie and then it gets pretty interesting. The dynamics / personalities of and between the characters in the movie make it an enjoyable watch. The whole time I was trying to figure out if this is supposed to be a horror movie, or a spoof on horror movies. It was certainly bizarre enough to keep me interested, and entertaining enough to keep me chuckling at times. Then towards the end, things really get strange and rather gory, but once again in somewhat of a comical way. So while I overall enjoyed the movie, I'm still a little confused on what the actual genre is.
juanmuscle First time ever watching a movie from this provenance. I know not where this land is nor do I really care, but what I do care is who is this truly beautifully wacked out super cool tuff yet delicate thespian and will so ever come to Hollywood or will Hollywood go to her, do not know enough about this lady's personage to know such things, but one thing we are all definitely certain about, surely we the cinephiles of true seminal cinema fun, we will bear our way over to her, upon contact be transfigured, with one fixed look transcend, and to experience her work will transport us! Yes, 'Housebound' what a truly delightful trip into some really pulp and juicy down Under film bazaar! (I'm guessing 'Housebound' team hail from the South somewhere) At all events I loved every second, I kept stumbling along thinking this guy is bad, no, this guy, until finally the real bad thing turned into a third act super extravaganza which upon the whole tramped and stamped and treaded all over me, and once again, I loved every second of the ending as well! I may be projecting but with yet the stellar acting skills could she possibly have descended from Deniro? (Think of the scene when she first gets to her mom's house and is outside smoking, and in slow motion we see those eyes, those magical eyes from whose pools of blood reflect back to us the great many scenes Deniro and Pesci had together! Who knows, but she definitely has a perspicacious propinquity to stardom!