The Signal
The Signal
R | 22 February 2008 (USA)
The Signal Trailers

A horror film told in three parts, from three perspectives, in which a mysterious transmission that turns people into killers invades every cell phone, radio, and television.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I was lured in by the DVD cover to this movie, and I had no idea what the story was actually about. So I read the synopsis on the back of the cover and was intrigued. Then I sat down to watch the movie, only to find myself sitting there bored and with a bad taste in my mouth.THis movie was sold well by its wrapping, but the stuff underneath the polished wrapping was really boring and rather anti-climatic.And the storyline was also anti-climatic. It had potential for sure, but ultimately turned out to be a shallow experience that failed to captivate.The only thing worthwhile in "The Signal" was the acts of random violence, but it hardly managed to pull the movie up and out of the gutter. The movie started out nice enough, but then it was on a steep and fast downhill ride. You hope that the movie will get better, but it just didn't happen, and I was actually starting to doze off towards the end.A disappointing and very anti-climatic movie experience. This DVD will go to an early retirement on the movie shelf, that is for sure.
Josh Anderson OK, so the idea of a signal being broadcast over all TV and radio that drives people mad and causes mass hallucinations is a great story idea. Also, though there was a slight "B" feel to this flick, the cinematography and acting really weren't bad. I even liked some of the layering of the story. However, I am sick of movies making killing, death and gore so cheap and meaningless - not even for moral reasons, but because it just makes the plot unbelievable, un-relatable and gives the writing crutches to get over impossible situations. Also, I get angry at cheating little skanks like Maya and so I'm secretly rooting for Lewis, but no- he's made out to be the bad guy in the end. And my biggest problem with this movie is that it never explains the source of the signal! (Or did I miss it?) Is it from a terrorist organization? Is it alien? We'll never know. Also, the movie finishes with all kinds of loose ends, there is never any resolution. What happens in Terminus? Does the signal ever quit? Does everyone in the town just kill everyone? What is the rest of the world's reaction? ***The end I was hoping for: The signal caused massed hysteria and hallucinations causing people to believe they needed to, and were killing everyone. However, in the end it is revealed no one ever harmed a single person and everyone was using toys and rubber knives on each other! There! Better ending, right? I think so.
Hervé Following the spread of a virus through TV and radio signals, the population is possessed with a killing impulse, and the few survivors are soon becoming paranoiac.The movie is constructed from the perspective of 3 different situations introducing new characters all intertwined.The story is centered around a husband determined to find his wife no matter what, while he is persuaded that she was having an affair. In the same time, his wife's lover is also looking for her. The plot isn't straight forward and the intrigue unfolds rather nicely, cadenced with a mix of horror and humor and a convincing casting.
Ichimaru_Gin7 This was probably one of the worst movies i have ever seen. Absolytely nonsense. I cannot understand how people are rating this as good in their reviews...They are probably trolling...SPOILERS*****This movie started very good with a nice idea for a story but after Mya left the car and Rod the movie was a complete failure and waste of time. It lost everything with these idiotic, comical scenes at the "party" that destroyed the movie. This movie didn't make any sense. Complete WASTE OF TIME, do not watch it. The movie after the scene that Mya leaves is UNWATCABLE. It was followed by bad acting and stupid scenes with no meaning, even if you had become crazy by the signal. A complete waste of time...