The Canal
The Canal
NR | 10 October 2014 (USA)
The Canal Trailers

A man who suspects his wife is cheating on him begins having nightmarish visions of an evil presence that he believes inhabits his house.

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
naresh-gharat After reading description on IMDb before watching this flick, thought like its kind of haunted house or another sinister like movie & i guess i was right...But if you using already used concept in your current movie, then you should be able to give something more interesting to audiences than its original version. Fortunately director & script writer tried to do so but unfortunately as end product the film wasn't that effective.Movie is horror thriller but apart from some good jump scares, it doesn't gives you much more as movie to remember. Thriller & Fear element is badly missing.Off course you can watch this movie, but even if you don't watch, you are not going to miss anything important...
erolsabadosh I don't know why the IMDb score and Metacritic score are so low on this one. That's one of the reasons I put off watching it for a while but I'm so glad I finally got around to seeing it; it's one of the better horror films of recent years, and I'm a huge horror junkie. If you like disturbing horror that gets under your skin and doesn't rely on jump scares or constant gore then this is for you. The film is beautifully shot and has some exceptionally creepy visuals. It's sporadically violent and cruel but every moment of blood letting or grotesquerie is expertly handled and actually frightening rather than pure gross-out. I urge you not to watch the trailer as it contains spoilers I wish I hadn't known before going into it. If you want to know what to expect, I'd say it's got elements of films such as The Shining and The Ring, but it has a very unique feel. There's a nice dose of drama along with the horror and Rupert Evans is thoroughly believable and engaging in the lead role, much more so than your average modern horror protagonist. Highly recommended!
desudemon This movie is garbage it is nothing but a waste of time simply put. I will not ruin the ending for those of you who want to subject yourselves to a movie playing off the oldest movie trope ever in 2014 no less. Once you get halfway through this film know that what you think this movie is going to end like is exactly correct it is over done. If you think this movie will pull itself out of the gutters on the last moments, you are wrong it is about exactly the way you predicted. This movie is predictable straight from 30 minutes in and you think that it couldn't possibly go there because it is so over done but it actually has the gall to do it. Its pathetic and i don't understand how it was publicized at all, this movie has already been made hundreds of times over. PLease do not waste your time it is utter garbage and does not even deserve its current ratings with people trying to come up with a defense for a poorly written movie. 1 out of 10 never watch again!
ASouthernHorrorFan The story is a strong, emotional character study that plays out in a melancholy way with moments of tense, chilling energy that seems to ripple through this creative nightmare. "The Canal" blends the concepts of cursed property, tragic lives, and horrendous past in a way that keeps you guessing. Well actually you start guessing midway through the film when suddenly more possible scenarios comes to light. It is still heavy with the paranormal, and keeps with a darker, more sinister tone. The acting is superb and the characters are so developed that you begin to feel for them - I was completely invested. Ivan Kavanagh as created a psychological labyrinth of horror, and tragedy that hooks you from the beginning, drags you through intense melodrama and confusion, then hits with some truly disturbing imagery and finality. The special effects are so well done that you feel the moments of horror as readily as the characters do. There is a few moments when the paranormal trickery isn't quite as effective as most of the stuff in "The Canal" is, but in a market drowning in netherworld nightmares it is hard to make every paranormal gimmick hit home with the audience. The ghost-y stuff is surreal and chilling. True some of it has been seen before but the characters her help to really sell even the basic of effects. The soundtrack is filled with sorrow-filled instrumental music that is full of dread and despair and emotion. The ending is a bit cheesy and not very original. But it creates that moment of finality that actually brings the story out of the whole "guessing game" of "is he? or isn't he?" which takes over in the middle of "The Canal". I really enjoyed this film, it is dark, disturbing and entertaining.