An Irish Exorcism
An Irish Exorcism
| 12 May 2013 (USA)
An Irish Exorcism Trailers

In her final year at school, Anthropology student Lorraine decides to film her final project - the subject of exorcism within the Catholic Church. Recording interviews with priests from the local diocese, she stumbles upon Fr. Byrne, an older priest who is currently helping a young mother whose daughter is apparently possessed by a demonic force. The curiosity of Lorraine, along with her camera operator, Cathal, leads them down a dark path of discovering the terrifying truth, and things go from strange to worse as all involved become entangled into a frightful journey to save a little girl's life.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
TheGoodDoctorGonzo Oh no I thought....not another found footage film. 10 seconds in and I'm hooked.Hollywood has tried on so many occasions to reboot horror classics, not always successfully. When big budget spectacle distracts from the actual story the realism can fade out. This is certainly not the case in An Irish Exorcism. Fantastic performances from Irish actors in a well executed production. A seemingly ordinary documentary suddenly descends into a tense and disturbing nightmare for all involved.A low budget production with no extravaganza of special effects still manages to thrill via some immersive camera work, clever editing and sounds that haunted me. This film is a dark occult journey, and will leave you exhausted at the end.If films like Blair Witch and the Omen appeal to you give this little gem a try. You wont be disappointed.
miltonmogarty I watched this movie the other day and in an age where films are being remade and regurgitated it was good to see someone throwing a new angle on the exorcist genre. I liked this movie. It kept me watching and thinking from start to end as to how it would unfold in the end.I'm not a film critic and would find it very difficult to see the cracks in how it was made/shot/written etc. , obviously though on a budget but this gives it an extra edge more than anything else.It's really worth a watch if you get the chance.I'm not being a biased Irishman on that.The acting especially from Paddy Courtney is very good.The whole concept was well thought out.I'd like to think in future more people in the higher end of Hollywood would use more imagination like what I saw here.
dcarsonhagy Oh dear--another bad "exorcism" movie. Caught this one on On- Demand. I was not paying attention or I would have never bothered. This is yet ANOTHER "found footage" POS that bores you to death to start with and has you rolling with laughter at the end. Scares? Puh-leeze. If you thought this was scary, you probably also thought "Paranormal Activity" was a fright-fest.A blow-by-blow snooze-fest which has a whole lot of talking and very little action. Even the "priests" in this movie didn't want to be on camera and can you blame them? There is no question as to where this movie is going, what's going to happen before it gets there, and how it will end. I'm not going to bother you with details, but let me say this. There will only be ONE exorcism movie, and that's the original "Exorcist." You have to do more to scare me than have a girl shuffle around a floor with her hair covering her face (probably a good move on her part), have someone fake-growl, and the "crew" running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Good grief; I've been more scared at a local "haunted house." Not rated, not worth wasting your time, and not recommended.
heratyplant What a shame!!This started off so well, it just looked like it was gonna be quite good. The lead actress is great and the filming style good. Then halfway through it all goes wrong. The weirdest thing is when the previously confident 'reporter' suddenly starts heavily breathing at everything, I almost turned off right there, it's really annoying & there's nothing scary happening to make her do that. Then you realise that they've got nothing, nothing is going to happen, there's no money for a couple of cool special effect shots, no real creep factor, the plot falls apart, the actors become annoying and you hardly ever see the poor bedeviled one, even up until the end - what a terrible waste of time for all.Was gonna star 3 but as I nearly turned off 3 quarters through but trudged on to oblivion, it's a terrible 2 ;(