Gun Woman
Gun Woman
| 28 February 2014 (USA)
Gun Woman Trailers

A brilliant doctor on a quest for revenge buys a young woman and trains her to be the ultimate assassin, implanting gun parts in her body that she must later assemble and use to kill her target before she bleeds to death.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
mediumllama It has been a long time since I've seen a movie this aggressively awful towards women. It's almost impressive!And if that weren't enough, it looks terrible, has an AWFUL storytelling device, has sucky acting and is the closest to someone's personal jerk-off reel that I've ever seen.It's interesting enough to think, "Say, maybe I'll stick to the end to see if this whole bullshittery gets pulled off, that'll maybe be worth a gander."It isn't. Spoiler alert, most of it is her naked, bleeding and woozy, whipping ass for like maybe 2 minutes. Look, I'm not kink shaming; you're not gonna be able to get this exact combo just anywhere. But if only it were good, too!And, you know, not the literally worst to all women everywhere. She is naked like THE WHOLE TIME. I could've given her a gynecological exam! AND THEN THEY BLUR THE DUDE'S DICK OUT COME ON.
m j OK, with a title like Gun Woman I was expecting a horrible film with sub par acting and a predictable script, but I was very wrong. This movie gripped my attention from start to finish, and yes, it's done a bit tongue and cheek but that doesn't take away from the intensity of the actors performances which glue you to every scene. You will want to protagonists to succeed and long for the bad guy to die a horrible death.Asami truly becomes one with her role as gun woman and despite all the compromising positions she finds herself in the character comes off the screen as gritty, and brutally, beautifully realistic. The doctor is definitely worth a mention as well with his style of dress and hair he comes off as a rather perverted romantic vision in relation to his motives in the film. The villain is also perfect in his psychopathic intensity.Yes it's gory and no it's not going to win best movie of the year but it was great fun and I might even watch it again!
a_baron The Japanese are renowned for their whacky sense of humour, but they also have a darker side, or in this case a sicker side. Sadism, rape, murder, necrophilia, cannibalism? These are schoolboy jokes, not adult entertainment. Alas, all and more are included herein. The wife of a doctor is murdered before his eyes by one of the most degenerate human beings on the face of the planet; the doctor himself is crippled by the same lowlife but left alive so he can tell the world what a wonderful person his benefactor is. Not. He decides not unreasonably to exact revenge on this individual, and comes up with an extremely novel plan (one that is physically impossible in several ways). This is where Gun Woman comes in.At this point she is his slave, but he promises her her freedom if she completes her bloody mission, which involves an act of mass murder, even granted that all those who are to die almost certainly deserve it. Can she really trust this man though, who murders an innocent woman in front of her eyes as part of her training? More to the point, doesn't the Doctor realise he has become what he seeks to destroy?Any points this one gets are strictly for mild special effects, and a half decent soundtrack by Dean Harada.
pernest2002 I saw a review on Yify which gave this 8.2. Much too high! It is slick, grisly, well made, multi-layered but I was concerned that it was an excuse for serious misogyny and woman hating - the killing, gore, bloody fights, nudity were mostly directed at women. Having said that - it has some real merit. Only for those with strong stomachs! The faces of the main 'bad guy(s)' were reminiscent of No play masks an make-up. Incidentally the version I saw had no subtitles for the Japanese dialogue. I got the gist but would have liked to know what was said. I must admit I am torn between giving a 4 or a 7. Ended up giving a 6. Looking forward - maybe - to director's next movie.