Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
R | 11 September 2003 (USA)
Once Upon a Time in Mexico Trailers

A CIA agent hires hitman "El Mariachi" to assassinate a Mexican general hired by a drug kingpin attempting a coup d'état.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Rainey Dawn In the third movie of Rodriguez's "Mariachi" trilogy, a Mexican drug lord pretends to overthrow the Mexican government, and is connected to a corrupt CIA agent who at that time, demands retribution from his worst enemy to carry out the drug lord's uprising against the government
colinhoggett This is one of only two films I have walked out on in my life. The plot is boring then there is a scene where Johhny Depps character is firing off million bullets a minute and hitting no one then 5 minutes later with his eyes having been gouged out he turns and hits a following man right between the eyes! One reviewer even he enjoyed the film but had to watch it three times to understand the plot! Its rubbish.
Daniel Dimov I am confused. There are too many main characters which are hard to follow. The idea of the movie is probably good but it's made bad. You will be confused between switching the main roles and basically in the end of the movie you can't say what is the point of the movie. Is it the love between Johnny Depp and Eva Mendes or the revenge of Banderas, or the rescue of the country or ... or... or... ten more plots. At least the acting is kinda good but if it has to be compared with other movie from the same kind it goes to the bottom, at least for me.The including of Enrique Iglesias is horrible idea... Why? This guy is good for a romantic movie not for a thrilling action. Just imagine Jason Statham in a dramatic romantic movie with zero action in it. It's just not working. If they wanted a good movie, we ( the spectators ) need more things around the storyline of the characters. Okay Banderas one is good, but Johnny Depp's?? It's not so clear what does he wants in this movie. I rate it 4/10 , there is a lot more that everyone wants to see in this movie.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Robert Rodriguez's Once Upon A Time In Mexico is an unapologetic, blazing shotgun blast of a movie. When Rodriguez asked his pal Quentin Tarantino how to finish off his El Mariachi trilogy, Tarantino's advice was: it's gotta be big, it's gotta be epic, and it's gotta be called Once upon a time in Mexico. Good advice. This is Rodriguez's Good The Bad and The Ugly, his magnum opus, and my favourite in his line of eclectic films. Antonio Banderas reprises his role as the Mariachi, a brooding, revenge fuelled gunfighter thrown headlong into a lot to assassinate El Presidente, masterminded by a kooky rogue CIA agent, played by Johnny Depp in a role originally written for George Clooney. Depp plays him like Bugs Bunny, relishing every odd line and quirky mannerism. Willem Dafoe is hysterical, sporting a glossy tan and priceless Mexican accent as a ruthless cartel, Mickey Rourke steals the show his second in command, and Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Salma Hayek in flashbacks, Eva Mendes and other Rodriguez regulars make impressions as well. Rodriguez stages every action sequence with a sweaty, frantic grace. He does double duty as cinematographer as well, and every frame is filled with gorgeously shot digital mayhem. He really is an impressive director, rigorously taking on every aspect of his filmmaking process, from the storyboard to the editing room. Here he creates a loving ode to the archetypal action picture, a super fun, violence filled, south of the border shoot out, and one of my favourite action movies.
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