R | 24 August 2007 (USA)
War Trailers

FBI agent Jack Crawford is out for revenge when his partner is killed and all clues point to the mysterious assassin Rogue. But when Rogue turns up years later to take care of some unfinished business, he triggers a violent clash of rival gangs. Will the truth come out before it's too late? And when the dust settles, who will remain standing?

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
pfzinnc This might have been a good movie, especially if you have no interest in the dialog or plot of the movie. The music in this movie is so overpowering that the dialog and therefore the plot is lost. I'm partially deaf and I use hearing aids with blue tooth yet, all I am able to hear is music blasted over most of the dialog.
Tweekums FBI Agents Jack Crawford and his partner Tom Lone have been hunting a killer known only as Rogue and they think they have finally killed him however there is no body. Shortly afterwards Tom, along with his wife and young child are murdered; Crawford is convinced that Rogue is alive and behind the killing. Three years later Rogue is back. He appears to have turned against his former employer, Yakuza boss Shiro and is be working for Triad leader Chang… or perhaps he is playing both against the other for motives that aren't immediately obvious. Crawford is soon on the case determined to catch the man who killed his friend.If you want action either Jason Statham or Jet Li will be guaranteed to deliver the goods so when they are cast against each other you know you should be in for something fun! They are both on good form with Statham doing a fine job as Crawford and Li making an impressive bad guy. These two characters are of equal importance as we spend time with each of them. The rest of the cast are pretty good too. Crawford's story is the more conventional as he is merely after revenge while Rogue is intriguing as he plays two different groups of gangsters against each other in much the same way as the protagonist in 'Yojimbo', or its better known remake 'A Fistful of Dollars' did. There is a lot of solid action; this includes shootings, car chases, martial arts and even some impressive sword fights. This action is fairly bone-crunching at times. When we learn the truth about Rogue it comes as quite a surprise and is quickly followed by a second unexpected twist; while these twist do seem a little unlikely they didn't spoil the film for me. Overall I'd recommend this to anybody wanting some good solid action.
austinkunkle I don't care if people hated this movie. Nobody is going to find another movie of where Jet Li and Jason Stataham fight each other. Sure there were unexpected scenes of where I was surprised,but not impressed with. But either way,they both had there own fight,and even if it was a short fight,it was still a good fight. The plot was going good compared to the trailer for the first half,but when we get to the last part of where we find out Jet Li's discovery towards the end,I wasn't impressed at all. I was kinda expecting a whole revenge type of deal with Statham,not with Li. Even if the unexpected twist was disappointing to me,I still love the fact that both of them fight a whole bunch of assassins and each other.
arginnon Well, this movie wasn't exactly what I expected. I expected an endless stream of action and violence and that the whole movie would be about Jet Li and Jason Statham fighting each other. Instead I got loads of talking, fairly short action sequences and a story that was meant to be a great plot. It was predictable (I knew what the twist will be from the beginning), unnecessarily complicated, had too many characters and lacked good action.An assassin named Rogue murders the partner of John Crawford (Statham), an FBI agent. Then Rogue disappears for three months, but he starts killing again. Crawford tracks him down, while the Yakuzas and the Trieks are having a war in San Diego. The film has some good action sequences, but they're ruined by the awful editing, which is so fast at some places, you don't even know what the hell is going on.All in all War isn't terrible, but not even close to good.