Crank: High Voltage
Crank: High Voltage
R | 16 April 2009 (USA)
Crank: High Voltage Trailers

Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
adonis98-743-186503 Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working. The first Crank was indeed insane and did have a majority of flaws but Crank 2 is just pure stupidity and a camp fest of insane things like a mega Jason Statham in the heights of Godzilla and even Statham burning and giving a middle finger on the camera. Crank 2: High Voltage is pure awfulness of epic proportions!!! (3/10)
BA_Harrison Hit-man Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) has his 'strawberry tart' stolen and replaced by a mechanical ticker. While he hunts for the missing organ, he must keep his replacement pump functioning by taking on massive charges of electricity.Neveldine and Taylor, the pair responsible for the Crank movies, make Michael Bay and Uwe Boll look like Kubrick and Scorsese by comparison, their dumb-as-f**k action films a non-stop stream of migraine-inducing editing techniques that are an insult to the medium and to the true greats of the action genre. I love wild, over-the-top cinema that breaks the rules but I like to think that a modicum of skill and thought has gone into its creation; Crank: High Voltage is 96 minutes of random, mindless, puerile garbage for Ritalin-deprived ADD-afflicted teens, a film so devoid of merit that it makes me angry just to think about it.Of course, if you enjoyed the first Crank film, you'll probably love this, since it's basically the first film taken to even more extremes, with crazier stunts, more expletives, an even more explicit sex scene (Amy Smart, what were you thinking?) and less logic—but remember, never stick your fingers in a light socket… that's just cinema magic (probably best if you watch the film in the company of a responsible adult—but good luck on finding one willing to sit through this crap).Worst moment: so many to choose from, but the godawful Godzilla battle scene wins it, with an interview with a young Chev Chelios coming a very close second.
niklhoer So Crank 2 basically ties directly on the first move, with no time in between. And by the way the first movie was great. And this movie is too. But the reason I gave it only 8 out of ten stars is simple: it is the same thing again, but with a much worse story.I really liked the first part because of the amount of action and adrenalin, and this really continues in the second part. Which is great and exactly what you would expect out of a second part. But the story does not kick in as much. It does not keep you hooked all the time, the situation is not as desperate as the one in the first movie and I really had moments where I was bored, which should not happen if you set the expectation that high with the first part.But still I personally would recommend you watching it, because it is still an entertaining movie after all.
videorama-759-859391 I don't know what drug this murder was on. Crank 2 is so ridiculous, it becomes more so as the movie progresses, where by the end, you're so mind numbed by what you're witnessed, you're totally dumbfound, it makes the original look respectively good. Out of interest, it has me wanting to re watch the original. If only this sequel had to surface, and rob the first of it's dignity. It takes on moments later from where the first one finished, which Stratham (who I must admit can't act) taking that big fall is spared, in one of the most desperate and idiotic excuses for a sequel I've ever seen. Why couldn't we just let him fall and die, which would of been the writers prior intention. But later sequel temptation must of got the best of him. Stratham's old heart is replaced with an artificial heart, where he must keep cranking it, anyway he can, through battery voltage, or strenuous public sex with his hot girlfriend Eve. The violence is totally off the wall, some of it sheerly sick, one scene involving nipple slashing. One reason to see it, is due to it's late star, 80's heart throb, Haim, as a bouncer, looking much worse for ware. But given that, it's a great insane flick, real cheesy, with action aplus, but too is just so ludicrous which does walk a style in ludicrous respect. I mean that head, minus everything else, kept alive in that battery acid tank, while being attached to electrodes, was like the last straw. But look at this movie as just a time passing, 'leave your brain at the door flick'.