R | 17 January 2005 (USA)
Chaos Trailers

In Seattle, detective Quentin Conners is unfairly suspended and his partner Jason York leaves the police force after a tragic shooting on Pearl Street Bridge, when the hostage and the criminal die. During a bank heist with a hostage situation, Conners is assigned in charge of the operation with the rookie Shane Dekker as his partner. The thieves, lead by Lorenz, apparently do not steal a penny from the bank. While chasing the gangsters, the police team disclose that they planted a virus in the system, stealing one billion dollars from the different accounts, using the principle of the Chaos Theory. Further, they find that Lorenz is killing his accomplices.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Nadine Salakov "Chaos" didn't end up in the Cinemas due to financial problems, which is what the trivia section says, well you know what? there are some really great flicks that are not popular, that underdog circumstance is not always a bad thing."Chaos" is subtle at times, but worth watching till the very end, sometimes the plot can seem confusing, but if you pay attention the movie will help you get back on track, this is also the type of cine that should be watched more than once especially if it is impossible to understand some aspects of the plot.The performances are fantastic/natural, Jason Statham, Ryan Phillippe do a great job as the main characters, Wesley Snipes who doesn't have that much screen time manages to pull off being a bad guy and he isn't just a bad guy he is a creepy bad guy.The twist is shocking and we see how clever Ryan Phillippe's character is, but by the end of the film it becomes apparent that Jason Statham's character is even more clever."Chaos" has a few intense shoot em up scenes and a high speed car/motorbike chase scene, it has the mystery/crime aspect and the thriller part of trying to catch the killer/killers.
dbrownridge I watched the whole thing, but was angry. I am A tolerant movie fan and will forgive many things -- BUT I WON'T FORGIVE HOLES IN THE PLOT which rival a black hole in space it is so freaking huge and sucks so bad. It began to form like this: this EXPERT group of thieves with high-tech equipment and a perfect plan rob a bank, AND one of them is even A FORMER DETECTIVE ! BUT SOMEHOW NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT LEAVING FINGERPRINTS !!!!!! Are you FREAKING kidding me !!! The computer hacker in the 'crew' leaves his prints all over the BANK'S COMPUTER !!?? THIS IS INSANE, STUPID, RIDICULOUS, ABSURD, IDIOTIC, AND INFURIATING. This clever crew has this really clever plan, but one guy leaves his prints... F - Me! As if that's not enough, after the robbery one thief, who's been to prison, goes to his girlfriend's house, which the cops have on record .... DUH !! I think I saw this in a 1930s gangster movie and it's been done 1000 times since then. Another crew member goes to his home. Smart! There are other problems too, but I've wasted enough time on this exhibition of idiocy they try to call a movie. How do they get away with it??! I hope someone lost a pile of money producing this farce.
jimbo-53-186511 Jason Statham plays Quentin Conners a suspended cop who is called back in to action when a criminal and his gang are holding hostages captive at a bank. The ring leader of the group Lorenz (Wesley Snipes) will only speak to Conners hence the reason for him being re-instated back in the force. The gang manage to escape from the bank and with the help of rookie officer Shane Dekker (Ryan Phillipe), Conners starts to conduct investigations on Lorenz and his gang.The start of the film is essentially Die Hard in a bank and I'm prepared to accept that it's a little clichéd at times, but once Conners begins his investigations the film does start to pick up. The narrative is constructed in such a way that the audience are pulled in one direction and then swiftly pulled into another direction. I'll say one thing for this film and that is that it keeps you guessing. For this very reason it's a film that is very easy to get into and due to a relatively swift pace the film never feels boring.The performances from the principal cast vary; Statham can do this sort of thing in his sleep and gives his usual tough-talking role and his dry delivery of dialogue always makes him an interesting person to watch on screen (even though he is rather limited as an actor). Statham does an OK job here and as mentioned he's always fun to watch. Snipes performance is adequate, but he lacks any real menace here and underplays his role almost to the point of indifference. The worst offender by far was Phillipe who gave a forgettable and wooden performance as the rookie officer - he never convinces and does drag the film down somewhat. The chemistry between Phillipe and Statham is also weak and again I blame Phillipe more for this than Statham. When watching this film, it sometimes felt like no-one's heart was really in it.Chaos has the requisite amount of twists and turns to keep the audience involved in the story - even though I feel that it was always trying to be a bit too clever and the over-plotting that we get here may end up causing mind overload. Ultimately, Chaos is hampered slightly by weak acting and a distinct lack of chemistry, but the story is strong enough to warrant at least one viewing.
carbuff In this world there are basically only two kinds of Jason Statham movies--good ones and bad ones, but, this one belongs to the rare third category of mediocre. Statham has little range as an actor (although he's Meryl Streep compared to his co-star Wesley Snipes), and he's clearly always playing an idealized version of his off-screen self; however, when a script properly exploits his well-above average physical capabilities, his above average intelligence, but his significantly below average emotional sensitivity to its advantage, the result can be very entertaining. Granting a pass to all of the plot holes that inevitably hit you during or after viewing a movie like this, this production's real dilemma is that the for the plot to truly come alive, it would require as much from Statham's heart as from his head and muscles, and, unfortunately, you can't get blood from a rock (although Statham has a proved ability to get blood from pretty much anything else). Therefore, without tossing out any spoilers, the only really big problem I have with this film is that the complex plot would be much more believable if Statham were able to naturally convey a more complex person. On the positive side, this movie isn't truly bad or totally predictable, and I don't feel cheated in any way for having watched it. As a matter of fact, I expect that most Statham fans will probably enjoy it, but in the final analysis, I personally just didn't "feel it". To each his own, and, in this particular case, I won't take any issues with that.