Dead Man Running
Dead Man Running
R | 29 January 2009 (USA)

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A loan shark gives ex-con Nick a period of 24 hours in order to pay back the money he owes. Up against it, Nick involves his best mate on a multi-part mission in order to raise the cash before it's too late for them both

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Leofwine_draca DEAD MAN RUNNING is a typical expletive-laden British gangster movie that trades on past glories. All of the actors involved play characters who are mere riffs on their former glories and the plot, about a hostage situation and the attempt to make a great deal of money in a very short time in order to pay off a gambling debt, are very predictable.The consistently uninspiring Tamer Hassan is the main character who is driven to the edge when his mother, Brenda Blethyn, is held hostage by a shotgun-wielding psychopath. Said psycho is played by Phil Davis, enjoyably riffing on his crazy turn in FACE, and he's the best thing in the movie. For her part, Blethyn feels miscast and hard to take seriously, although she's better than the one-note Hassan.The rest of the film wallows in clichés and low rent situations, although it's not quite the worst I've seen of this genre; at least some of the comedy is funny in places. Danny Dyer has the typecast role of Hassan's buddy and is one again the naughty-but-nice tearaway. Alan Ford and Omid Djalili have cameos, the former welcome, the latter not so much. Worst of the group is rapper 50 Cent in a 'take the money and run' type turn as the crime boss.
specialbobby Certain people like to stand outside McDonalds rather than go to school that's how!Again these two appear in a derivative quick to forget bargain bin British gangster movie with all the cock-er-ney geezer charm of Guy Ritchies Bowel movements, hell they even throw in the lesser supporting cast of Snatch, a far far superior movie. Gangster Rapper 50p must have had a spare 10 minutes while in London during a promo tour because he's a barely written cameo (who could have livened the film up in a beefier role) and the two strongest actors in the movie, Brenda Blethyn and Phil Davis just seem lost in their own embarrassment wondering what there agents where playing at. The involvement of English Premiership footballers as executive producers would suggest the film was a plaything and an outlet for their rather substantial weekly wage and it's their money that probably paid for the clearance of an actually rather good soundtrack.Leave this movie well alone unless you like tucking socks into trackie bottoms, listen to music on buses using a mobile and have many friends with Asbo's and trophy dogs, for the rest of us there's a bit of damp paint on the wall over there, it'll be dry soon.3/10 for the soundtrack alone
FlashCallahan A loan shark gives ex-con Nick a period of 24 hours in order to pay back the money he owes. Up against it, Nick involves his best mate on a multi-part mission in order to raise the cash before it's too late for them both....If you go to see a film featuring Tammer Hassan and Danny Dyer and Produced by two premiership footballers and expect it to be a work of art, you are not living in the real world.The plot is simple, Nick has to pay 100 grand back in a day, or him and his mother will be killed, what Nick doesn't know is that he has no chance to pay the money back as he has been bugged and 50 cent wants to make an exception of him.So he grabs Dyer and they go on a beano to make the money in any way possible, and the outcome is throwaway silly crap that works in a way that only a film featuring the two leads could.These guys have a lot of chemistry together, and anybody who happens to like movies by nick love will know this, they throw off lines as if they are best mates, and they really work well together when ever they are both on screen,Hassan for once has a good role, he isn't a gangster or a heavy, though the story implies that he was once both of these. Dyer is Dyer and plays the same tole he does in all of his films, but he does this best, so why change anything?The scenarios are quite funny, and it gets sillier the more money the pair make, but you know that everyone will be okay come the end, so it's a case of just sitting back and enjoying it.Some of the casting is a bit strange, Jackson cannot act, it was evident in Righteous Kill and Get rich or die trying', and the presence of Davies, Blethyn and Walters is just wasted.But this is Hassans and Dyers movie and they make it work well.Don't take it seriously and enjoy it for what it is, a movie for a wet Friday night with lots of mates and beer.
amf33 All in all a decent film, being a woman i love any Danny dyer and he was the films main pull for me and the girls to go watch a typical guys film,A bit lack lustre at times but Danny kept me trans fixed, plenty of action one for the guys and the girls. I noticed a mixed reception from fellow cinema goers, and maybe a tad cheesy in parts but compared with other movies at the moment it was not that bad, British film too so it's a bonus.But would recommend full on action , not a bad story and a good cast, a bit unsure about 50 cent though maybe he should have stayed in the music industry, Other characters put in a good performance and Danny and Tamear teamed up again always seems to work and do the business.