9 Songs
9 Songs
NR | 16 July 2004 (USA)
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Matt, a young glaciologist, soars across the vast, silent, icebound immensities of the South Pole as he recalls his love affair with Lisa. They meet at a mobbed rock concert in a vast music hall - London's Brixton Academy. They are in bed at night's end. Together, over a period of several months, they pursue a mutual sexual passion whose inevitable stages unfold in counterpoint to nine live-concert songs.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
foxhound-37781 This movie is just downright pathetic. Why? well lets see....1. Boring as all hell 2. Sex scenes for the sake of sex scenes 3. The two actors have no real deep connection on sreen 4. Concert footage looks like it was shot by a 4 year old 5. Film is so quiet it will literally put you to sleep if your watching it after 9pm 6. Boring as all hell 7. Sex sells so naturally this is why everyone was interested in it to begin with. (THE ONLY REASON) 8. Boring as all hell 9. The two actors deliberately kept away from each other off camera so it supposedly wouldn't "Affect their on screen relationship" like seriously what do you hope to achieve by that? 10. A romantic drama that's literally just a softcore porno in disguise. false marketing!
BA_Harrison In 'the most sexually explicit film in the history of British cinema', as the hype reads, Lisa (Margo Stilley) and Matt (Kieran O'Brien) spend their free time snorting coke, looking rather bored at rock gigs, and boning each other.Needless to say, there are plenty of moments of graphic nookie between stars Stilley (a little too young and inexperienced to be taking on such a daring film role, maybe) and O'Brien (who, judging by his DVD commentary, seems to have had a whale of a time), lots of rough and ready music footage shot at various London gigs, and some pretentious bilge about life in the Antarctic, all accompanied by a monotonous voice-over.Is 9 Songs a bona fide work of art, voyeuristic porn masquerading as art, a realistic study of an intimate relationship, an exploitative piece of trash, or a risqué promo for up and coming rock bands? I have no idea: it really is very hard to fathom out what Winterbottom and Co.'s intentions were for making this film, although I'm guessing the real answer is, 'it's whatever you want it to be'.Viewers will watch 9 Songs for their own personal reasons (to become aroused; for intellectual discussion at dinner parties; as ammunition for attacking liberal types; or just to see what the fuss is about) and enjoy it accordingly. I thought it passed 66 minutes quite painlessly—the action was hot and the music was cool—but for me, perhaps the most interesting thing about 9 Songs is seeing how the film will affect the stars' careers in the long term, and guessing where this whole 'real sex in cinema' trend will end (Brad and Angelina going at it on Screen 1 at the local multiplex?!?!).
petarmatic I enjoyed this film very much! Antartica and sex! What a fabulous combination! It calmed me down and I was mellow and happy. I would be probably more happy if I was in the place of the principal actor. But what the hell it really looked great, all in all.I was surprised that it got such a low review grade, but it was to be expected since modern audience expects Hollywood blockbusters, but this is not that type of film. Not that I have anything against above mentioned blockbusters, but rather I enjoy these types of films very much.It is a pity that they are not available anymore to the wider public, but that is trend in the last 10 to 15 years that good film get to be shown only at the festivals. I saw this one at the Sarajevo film festival.
Terence Frederick Story of two lovers who spend their summer listening to rock concerts. It spans for an hour and few minutes (full UNCUT Version).Features nine rock songs from the concert which are solely made for this movie. There are intimate scenes between the two lead characters that are quite realistic and some kinky ones too. There are some footages of icebergs in Antarctica while explaining a character. I may be missing the whole concept or the director's message but IMO there is almost nothing good in this movie to talk about except those 9 songs. The movie features a song at the concert followed by a xxx scene, back to back for the whole 70 minutes.
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