Dead Man's Shoes
Dead Man's Shoes
R | 12 May 2006 (USA)
Dead Man's Shoes Trailers

A soldier returns to his small town and exacts a deadly revenge on the thugs who tormented his disabled brother while he was away.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
rdoyle29 Paddy Considine (who also co-wrote) stars as a former soldier out to get revenge on a group of petty thugs who victimized his mentally disabled brother. What starts out as a fairly light-hearted revenge film as Considine playfully taunts the thugs turns increasingly bleak as his violence escalates and the hopelessness of their situation becomes clear. Some fairly clever twists in the last act cast everything you've seen in a new light. Given the low budget and the working class surroundings, it ends up feeling like "Get Carter" directed by Ken Loach.
Joshua H. A former army soldier Richard(Paddy Considine), returns to his hometown to settle the score with a small drug gang that abused his little brother Anthony(Toby Kebbell), while he was away. For those of you who read my "10 Best Revenge Films" you know that this film is my favorite revenge film. The plot is simple and nothing truly original but the performances by Considine (especially Considine) and Kebbell bring the film that emotional brotherly feel which I loved about the film. The film is very grounded down to Earth and is nothing over the top. You can actually believe that this could have happened. The film is very realistic which I love because sometimes it gets a little OVER the top sometimes. With its realistic feel the film feels dark and gritty and above all life like. You can't tell that these are characters in the film because the characters feel like real people you can actually meet in the world. The film was directed by the infamous English director Shane Meadows, who brought us "This is England"(2006). Meadows has a DIY feel to his movies. He never goes for the perfect lighting or frame or shot, and he demonstrates that almost throughout all of his films. The cinematography in his films looks dull, grainy, and dirty, and most of the shots are hand-held. With the movies he's making it works and it especially works with "Dead Man's Shoes". With a film like this and it's subject matter you don't want the cinematography to look Oscar worthy, because it will be very distracting. For example it's like having beautiful cinematography for a war movie; the two don't match, it may work but it won't feel right. With a film like this the cinematography works, just watch it and you'll understand. When watching the movie you know what's going to happen, and I mean you know WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. It's no surprise, but there's a part in the movie where you find out what actually happened to Richard's brother. And oh my GOD does that set in an emotional realization when you see it. It explains some small things while watching it from the beginning that you didn't realize. The film has an emotional feel throughout the entire run time. From the scenery to the characters this is a very sad movie. It may not present itself that way but you can see it throughout. The main character of Richard is seeking revenge and you can see that the things he is doing to these people is taking a toll on him as well. Revenge is not a good, happy, joyous thing. Revenge is a sad, depressing, and awful act. After the movie ended I was completely floored, this movie exceeded my expectations and blew me away. The film also made me think about what I would do if MY little brother was abused and assaulted and bullied while I was away some place. Would I go to the extremes of what Richard did? I don't know. This film has a 7.7 rating on IMDb, and a 57% on Rotten Tomatoes!? The consensus of the film on Rotten Tomatoes makes the film look bad when a 57% is a borderline positive rating. I really don't know where the critics went wrong with this film, it appalls me that it has a 57%. On the other hand the 7.7 is a great rating and one the movie truly deserves. Overall "Dead Man's Shoes" is a solid film with beautiful acting from ALL the actors in the film, and a gripping , emotional story that took me by surprise and tossed me all over. SEE IT, you will not he disappointed.
sol- Returning home after several months away, a British soldier takes revenge on those who bullied his mentally challenged brother in this gritty crime drama directed by Shane Meadows and starring Paddy Considine. Some have called 'Dead Man's Shoes' a horror film, while others have cited it as a 'Death Wish' variant. There is a degree of truth to both descriptions, however, the film is decidedly different overall. It is a horror film in that Considine goes around tormenting and then killing the former bullies, even donning a gas mask a la 'My Blood Valentine' on a couple of occasions. Unlike a standard slasher flick though, the victims here are uniformly cold, dislikeable and uninteresting (indeed, the film is at its weakest when the victims to-be discuss who Considine is and cower in fear). As for the 'Death Wish' parallel, it does not quite click since Considine torments his victims in various ways before killing them, whether it be spray-painting their rooms or putting makeup on their faces while asleep. It is more of an elaborate cat and mouse game, if one with limited suspense and thrills because, as mentioned, none of the victims are particularly sympathetic. If an uneven viewing experience though, everything spirals towards a powerful final scene in which Considine begins to reflect on his actions, which in turn allows the film offer some deep thought in regards to violence. Considine is solid throughout either way, the film's incorporation of home video style footage for all the flashbacks is very effective, and all of the locations are appropriately grim.
Pablo Vergara I was waiting a lot of time to see the movie. When I saw it, I loved it, but the only little thing I can complain about is that, I found the ending a very little disappointing when he makes the other man to stab him, and maybe there's a deeper thing to it, but I can't find it in this moment. It is one of the best revenge movies I've seen in all my life, maybe I should do a best revenge movies list here on IMDb, it may be way cool... Anyway, almost every aspect of this movie (directing, screen writing, acting...) is almost perfect. The actors are perfectly casted and do really well their job, the story is original, the direction is sublime, etcetera. There's one thing that a lot of people complain about a lot of movies that has this "resource", the plot twist. I think that the plot twist on this movie was really good, and it hits you in the face, or at least I think so. I really recommend it if you like revenge stories. P.S: Not as graphic as it seems