We Still Kill the Old Way
We Still Kill the Old Way
| 12 December 2014 (USA)
We Still Kill the Old Way Trailers

A group of aging London gangsters go on a vigilante killing spree when one of their number is murdered by a street gang.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Richard Dominguez We Still Kill The Old Way ... (When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate) ... Apart From The Fact That UK Films Tend To Move Along Slower Than American Films This Was A Great Movie ... After Charlie Is Killed (Protecting A Girl Who Was Being Attack) His Brother And 3 Friends Go After The Street Gang Responsible ... At The End Of The Movie We Also Find Out Who These 5 Guys Were In Their Younger Days (In Reference To Another Great Movie) ... Story Line, Action And Acting Make This Movie A Good Watch ... Nothing Beats Old School ...
jayydee1 So I am the type to explore films I have never watched just by a click of a button, the sound of the title and the age content. From the description this film sounded EPIC!! But I have so say.... what a load of absolute rubbish! Lol.. The story line sucked.. the acting was diabolical and one of the actresses had some of the worst surgery her face wouldn't couldn't even express emotion, which annoyed me through out. Not worth a watch in my opinion unless your looking for disappointment. Also, the accents for recently London slang portrayed in this film hurt my ears lol!!! BUT they tried....
MikaOznam Not going to rehash the plot line but my expectations were minimal at first but the movie surprised me. But then again i'm an old fart like the protagonist and i've been around the street a few times myself mates.Sit back and enjoy the relationship between these former bad boys reunited to avenge the death of one of their own. It's brimming with hilarity.Might not be your cup of tea but i enjoyed the show. Of course you'll be cheering for the lads to give those ruffians a good thrashing.Happy viewing.Cheers!
heftymartin "Old gangster and his crew returns to old neighborhood for vengeance against a gang of violent youths who now rule their old territory" First of all, great original sounding title. But since it's not a remake of the 1967 move of the same name, very bad title.The characters are typical and in "Tarantino terms" that would be great use of clichés, but it falls a bit flat here. The interesting details of each character are skipped over and ignored, giving them little depth and no mystery. Our hero has OCD but it's put to little use in the plot. The other members of his old gang have interesting back stories and personality traits that remain unexplored, and at times they just become annoying rather than interesting or funny - so many missed opportunities here. Our bad guys: Leader has a scar on his face, no back story to it - normally not needed unless it would make him more interesting, and he certainly needs that. He's utterly psychopathic but it somehow doesn't seem like it suits him. He really overplays the part and not very convincingly. I think he's a decent actor but this part is just not him. The rest of his gang are equally unconvincing, they all look like they'd poop themselves if faced with the slightest real threat, and at no time does one get the impression that they run the streets. At one point (not really a spoiler) two gang members are threatened with torture and I'm at no point convinced that these two are as "hard" as they are trying to act. Which streets? Yes there's another problem. The whole film is shot in relatively boring urban surroundings that just don't seem very menacing, most of it indoors at that. I get no sense looming doom and danger. Another wasted opportunity, I know London has some great locations for this type of film. Then there's the police - totally useless in this story, every one of them a bad actor. Alison Doody is decent, but I'm completely confused by her fake American accent while she plays a London detective. Makes little sense at all and it's just so misplaced that it becomes distracting. There are a few attempts at interesting camera work, but since I noticed it and it wasn't very impressive, I will have to claim it was misplaced and obvious for all the wrong reasons. All in all it seems more like this movie is aimed at an audience over 60, trying to make them feel safer and secure in the knowledge that they have more decency than "those young ruffians on the corner who don't show us any respect".
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