Southern Comfort
Southern Comfort
R | 24 September 1981 (USA)
Southern Comfort Trailers

A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by stealing their canoes. Without live ammunition and in a strange country, their experience begins to mirror the Vietnam experience.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
lukem-52760 Walter Hill is an amazing director he really is,he captures that fear & survival instinct in his movies especially here in the classic Southern Comfort (1981) & his other classic The Warriors (1979) with these two BRILLIANT films it's about that survival instinct & the fear of what do we do now? I absolutely love The Warriors & Southern Comfort they make an awesome double feature!!! Anyway southern comfort is a fantastically made Thriller that's very creepy & full of dread & hopelessness, it's all captured beautifully on screen something Walter Hill does the best!!! The cast is excellent especially keith carradine & powers booth these two guys are both very cool & rugged & very blue collar kinda men & work so well together & both give equally excellent performances & how could anyone forget how intense & suspenseful the third act is? Fantastic. No need to talk about the plot or story as tons of others have so i just wanna say how great this old school Thriller really is & it's BRILLIANT they really don't make movies this good anymore!!! There was always something very raw & gritty about movies made during the 70's & 80's that can't be captured in todays c.g.i infested cinema!!! So yeah if you love a good survival Thriller with action & a great musical score then definitely buy this because you're gonna wanna watch it lots. Another Walter Hill CLASSIC right up there next to The Warriors
BA_Harrison A squad of National Guard soldiers on a training exercise in a Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives after they incur the wrath of some Cajun trappers.I love the backwoods/survival genre, and with this one featuring an exceptional cast (Keith Carradine, Powers Boothe, Fred Ward, Peter Coyote, Brion James), it certainly had a lot of potential.Sadly, this Deliverance-inspired thriller failed to impress: Walter Hill's direction is sluggish and the film is overlong, with the majority of the action consisting of tedious slogging through the wetlands, the obnoxious characters behaving in a manner that doesn't seem at all credible given their training and predicament.Unlike Deliverance, which delivered plenty of tension and at least two bona fide classic scenes (duelling banjos, squeal like a pig), there is little noteworthy about Southern Comfort beyond the authentic swampy location, Ry Cooder's atmospheric music, and the final few minutes in which Hill finally injects some life into proceedings (too little, too late).4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
bkoganbing Southern Comfort finds a small squad of Louisiana National Guardsmen on a training exercise in those swamps so familiar to me from those fabulous two months I did at Fort Polk. Where I was in the central part of the state was not as bad as where these guys were doing their weekend warrior thing. Still it's not a time I'd care to repeat.What our weekend warriors did was upset a group of Cajun fisherman who call these swamps home and now they're shooting back at the guardsmen with real bullets. They first kill sergeant Peter Coyote which was bad because he apparently was the one best suited for leadership. The others have to find their way out of the swamps and most of them don't make it. They have a captain with them in Les Lannom, but he may have the rank, but sure not the right stuff.The lead characters are Keith Carradine and Powers Boothe of strikingly different personalities who don't like each other, but they do see the need for a bit of discipline.If I were in a combat situation this is not a group I'd care to have my survival depend on. Southern Comfort, a bit of Deliverance, a bit of Platoon, is something watched and not quickly forgotten.
Marc Israel This being a Walter Hill movie, I had a hard time not picturing our members of his Warriors gang mouthing off to each other on their way to see Cyrus... This being in the Bayou with backwoods hunters chasing down our boys, I was reminded of Deliverance. The first could be labeled a fantasy while the second a haunting drama. This feels like a war movie where a platoon goes where it shouldn't and are whittled down to a surviving few. Despite all of the similar genres SC touches upon, it is a horror story due to their being hunted and that mysterious Cajun angle. Their territory, their self supporting and protective village and their music is not only unique and indigenous, it's self made. We're outsiders and we best not forget that. This is a rainy Saturday afternoon movie due to it's unrelenting swamp march but it won't be played on TV. I kept it on DVD just in case I need to be creeped out while believing I'm on home turf. Can you dig it?