Edge of Darkness
Edge of Darkness
R | 29 January 2010 (USA)
Edge of Darkness Trailers

As a seasoned homicide detective, Thomas Craven has seen the bleakest side of humanity. But nothing prepares him for the toughest investigation of his life: the search for his only daughter Emma's killer. Now, he is on a personal mission to uncover the disturbing secrets surrounding her murder, including corporate corruption, government collusion and Emma's own mysterious life.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
bondguy77 this film maybe by far the worst film i have ever seen. boring,boring,boring. i watched the trailer and thought this was going to be a lot of fun,entertaining,and a good story,i was wrong,trailer was misleading. awful film.very poor plot. i would not recommend this film to anyone.
zkonedog After the resounding success of the 2008 film "Taken", the "Dad pushed to the limit over his daughter's distress" formula comes back in the form of Mel Gibson. Unfortunately, this effort cannot hold a candle to its predecessor.For a basic plot summary, the movie revolves around detective Thomas Craven (Gibson), whose daughter is shot and killed in his arms and thus prompts an investigation into the circumstances. The plot deepens a bit when Craven learns that his precious daughter may have not been so innocent as originally thought.To be honest, this was perhaps one of the most boring movies I have ever sat through. I usually don't get distracted or antsy while watching a film, but in this case it was all I could do to keep from looking at the VCR timer to see how much time was left. As usual, the culprits were an uninspiring plot and understated acting:-Plot-wise, I never really understood exactly what was going on (both literally and figuratively). Viewers come to understand exactly what Craven's daughter was involved in, but there really isn't any emotional payoff at the end. It's hard to root for Craven, as he is so depressed that it will begin to rub off on you, while the villain (a "mysterious" figure with a foreign accent so heavy it is often difficult to make out what he is saying) is so contrived and uninteresting that you really won't care one way or the other when his fate is ultimately decided. When you can't rouse much interest in either the hero OR the villain and how they affect the overall plot, what is there to really care about?-In terms of acting, the film really is all about Mel, and he plays Craven as much too depressed and moody to do anything but alienate viewers. I kept waiting for the character to emotionally snap (like Neeson in "Taken") and do something gritty/exciting, but it just never happened. The action seemed to be thrust upon him, never seeing him do anything heroic or even remotely cheer-worthy.So, because of the muted acting and complicated, uninspiring plot, I really can't recommend this movie to anyone. If you are into the whole "revenge justice" thing (e.g. Jack Bauer is your personal life hero), PLEASE opt for "Taken" instead. If not, prepare for two hours of looking at your watch.
punishmentpark Largely a fairly suspenseful, yet subdued conspiracy thriller, with some 'fun' trips like the delusions of Craven (Gibson) and quite often a fierce injection of action; yes, it was sort of fresh.Nearing the end, the big question arose how Campbell was going to work all this out into a satisfying finale. Well, didn't I just expect it: Craven gets cheated, imprisoned, breaks out with great ease and goes 'Payback' (1999) on all of them asses. The last part of that I expected to be more subtle, but it didn't disappoint anyway. And then, Jedburgh (Winstone) even takes things up a notch; the idea in itself is terrific, but, altogether, this is still not an exceptional film. I had a fun enough, though.A big 6 out of 10. And I'm still (all the more) very curious about the original series (1985) by the same director!
juneebuggy This was a decent enough cop revenge thriller with an old-school 90's vibe to it and extreme bursts of violence that made me jump and say things like "holy sh*t!" Mel plays a Boston homicide detective and is essentially angry-cop-dad for the entire movie, showing only one emotion (grumpy) in a very Harrison Ford sort of way. He is kinda justified I guess after his daughter gets (violently) blown away right beside him. Initially it's believed that 'Thomas' was the intended target but as he probes into her life he discovers she was hiding some secrets and in big trouble.The plot is pretty good, a little vague in places. I liked it when Mel's character crossed the line and no longer cared about the consequences and how he talked to his daughter's ghost throughout. Good ending too. 6/28/14