The Outsider
The Outsider
| 11 March 2014 (USA)
The Outsider Trailers

Revolves around a British military contractor Lex Walker who is told his daughter has died. When he arrives in Los Angeles and discovers the body is not hers, he begins an investigation.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Tss5078 Some Writer/Directors prefer to use the same actors in their films. You can't blame them for wanting to work with people they're comfortable with, but not many Writer/Directors, remake the exact same movie with a slightly different twist. Brian A. Miller came out of relative obscurity to produce the hit action thriller, The Prince, starring Bruce Willis. Less than a year later, he followed it up with The Outsider, which is basically the exact same film! The Prince featured a former mafia turncoat, going to the city he once owned, in order to find his missing daughter. The Outsider features a former member of British Special Ops, coming to America, to find his missing daughter. Both films have similar endings, mafia bosses that are played by legendary action stars, and oddly enough, both films have a cameo by 50 cent. These two films are literally so similar to one another, that aside from the British accent, and Jason Patric in the role of the cop, nothing has really changed. As a fan of action film, I realize there aren't many different directions these films can go in, but to release what amounts to the exact same film, a year later, with several of the same actors, is just bizarre. The Outsider wasn't a bad film, and I did enjoy Craig Fairbrass, he was a beast, who I was previously unfamilar with, but aside from that, this is the exact same story as seen in The Prince. Wheather you chose to sit through this one or that one, really depends on who you like better, James Caan or Bruce Willis.
Fluffy Bunny you seriously need to stop. In answer to your question, it would have been a more expensive movie that still sucks. As the only movies you've reviewed have been director Brian A. Miller's films, with The Way We Were thrown in for good measure, anyone with an ounce of common sense is left to conclude only that you are either Miller himself, sleeping with him, or collecting a paycheck from him. Upon doing some minor research, I found that Cuttlemonkey is the twitter handle for a young woman whose other social media accounts show that she is indeed the girlfriend of the aforementioned Mr. Miller. Desperation is quite unbecoming.Legends of the Fall has an overall rating of 7.5. The Godfather has an overall rating of 9.2. You expect us to believe this ridiculous flop is a 10? Anywho...walked in to find my girlfriend watching this on Netflix (where it only has one star), and continued to watch it with her because I thought I recognized the lead actor as someone whose performances I have enjoyed in the past. After 30 minutes, I was bored. After 45 minutes, I was irritated. An hour into it, I was so mad at how bad it was, I turned the stupid thing off.Think Taken, but really, really, really bad. That sums it up.
glynisthomason This could have been a really good film but we struggled to hear the whole film. The English accent of the main character was not brilliant and the West Coast US accent of many of the actors meant it really difficult to hear individual words. We went through all the changes of sound on our system - even turned off the surround sound in case this made a difference, but each the voices were mumbled and muffled. it was a case of guess the words the whole way through. Have to say though, that I have to nominate Craig Fairbrass for a better Jack Reacher than Tom Cruise. I hope Lee Childs etc decide to change the actor for the next film
bbickley13-921-58664 I went to see this movie because of the recognizable names of Shannon Elisabeth, Jason Patrick, and James Caan, but looking back at it, I'm not sure why. There was a time when having all three in a movie would draw a bigger crowd, but I'm not sure if all their 15 minutes of fame ever overlapped with each other. The movie is about a father who finds out his daughter's dead and goes to LA to ID a body that turns out not to be his daughter. When I read this description I assumed given the actors evolved that James Caan was the dad, Shannon Elisabeth was the daughter, and Jason Patrick had something to do with her going missing, but instead all three top names play mostly back seat drivers to some British actor behind the wheel who's most likely a bigger draw in the UK than he is here. The movie is very genetic and bland and kind of goes fully by the numbers for an action flick with nothing really sticking out to impress me. Although I did love James Caan in it.