R | 25 February 2014 (USA)
Bullet Trailers

Danny Trejo plays 'Bullet' a tough cop who takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
kosmasp If you're a Trejo fan, you might like this a bit more than others. It's an obvious "star" vehicle for him. Though not even close to the Machete league he elevated himself to. The action is sometimes decent, sometimes awful. The story itself not really worth mentioning (I don't even think it's possible to spoil any of it, even if you tried, because it's so clear cut).Some of the actors are way over the top (like the "german" bad guy of the week), which you'll either love or loathe. But even Trejo struggles at times with some lines. Especially trying to repeat one of the better jokes in movie history -> "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" ... maybe even mocking his Machete character? Who knows? Only thing that's for certain: It doesn't work, because the delivery is off by miles! Add to that the inability of the bad guys and one slide/move by Trejo that would put Neo to shame (or Lucky Luke and his shadow combined)
nikola17 i love Danny Trejo i am so happy that he is the main role in movies i loved Machete, Dead in the Tombstone i luv the movies that he is main role this movie had action but i wish the action and movie should have been better it was a bit too short they should have release the directors cut in Australia but they didn't i have no clue i liked this movie the Action, The lead actor is Danny Trejo. I really appreciate him, I like his face and the way he is acting in action movies. He looks quite bad ass. Well, I prefer the "Machete" style, but he is OK at this movie, even as a cop. i know him becoming a bad guy to good guy because sometimes i get bored when he plays the bad guy all the time all the time Danny Trejo is good guy i wanted watch this movie because he is main role i luv movies with him as main role. the action scenes a bit of car chasing was awesome not much of car chase but it did good scene with he stabbed the guy in the eye with a becoming weapon pen in the eye that was awesome i didn't get the chance to see that in Machete Franchise the shooting was awesome in hotel area witch is awesome scenes specially he did a trap he put guy in the car 2 guys pulled him out the guy in car had a hand grenade behind him get Blown up very awesome not much gore shame ! i like the awesome car what Danny drives black car suits for this movie with this character fighting cage scene was awesome when Danny was fighting with the guy 70 years old man was doing push up witch is good to keep trejo fit Danny trejo should do more boxing movies like this cage fighting film couple of them were like that of his movies the fight was lucky awesome scene but there is gore in this movie not muchas Machete or Dead in the tombstone witch i like that better the Villains were (Johnathan Banks) from breaking bad was OK didn't do the best, villains are lame a bit i find them lame don't do much not much entering as Danny Trejo Character Bullet witch is trying to be like Machete to Bullet. movie has a very short storyline that is A tough cop takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped. i mean it is kinda lazy needed more of movie and story Johnathan banks son died from lethal injection that's why he wanted to kidnapped grandson there is a lot gore in movie Johnathan had golf bat hit the guy thousands of times all blood went into the screen a lot of it witch was awesome the rest of scenes were like a bit poor made i like this movie for me 5/10 it could of have been better movie like Machete.
suite92 Carlito Kane kidnaps the Governor's daughter and her significant other in order to free Carlito's son Manual Kane. They kill the young man to show how serious they are.Shortly thereafter, Carlito kidnaps Frank's grandson Mario, then attempts to force Frank to recant his testimony against Manual. Vanessa (Frank's daughter, Mario's mother) uses the money Frank gave her (which he won from prize fighting) to buy drugs. After she attempts suicide, Frank takes her to emergency. In the meantime, the Governor takes Carlito's trumped up evidence to force the Attorney General to have Frank arrested.Frank does get arrested, but he and the cops sort things out. Frank goes rogue for a while, handing in his badge, even though he does not have to do so.Does Frank get Mario back? Does the governor's daughter get rescued?-----Scores-----Cinematography: 7/10 OK, not great.Sound: 6/10 A bit out of control on levels at times. The actors seemed to be miked OK.Acting: 6/10 Danny Trejo and Jonathan Banks are their usual menacing, intimidating selves. John Savage gave a sub-par performance, which I did not expect. The other actors were forgettable, except for the terrible Torsten Vorges.Screenplay: 4/10 Throughout the film, I was confused as to whether Frank ever was a righteous cop. Early on, he kills a couple of cops, for instance. I was surprised to see that he had a badge a bit later. After the large number of felonies that he committed, I did not see how he was not arrested. When Frank and the kids leave the site of his killing spree, I wondered how many years of therapy those two would need later on. They leave happy, though. Sigh.
ivorybishop So the movie is not a blockbuster, but its not a crappy B-movie either. It fit's somewhere in between. It's a flick for guys with a few laughs thrown in amid gritty action scenes, we even get a few 'bullet' time shootouts that are pretty nicely done.Danny Trejo is Danny Trejo. What else can you say? That stoic face delivers good lines and those hammer-fists deliver country-boy style beat-downs. Jonathan Banks works nicely opposite Trejo delivering a performance just as edgy as he gave in Breaking Bad. These two together on screen just doesn't get any better in my humble opinion. You can just tell these two guys, along with the rest of the cast, had a boatload of fun making this action packed film and prove once again that producers don't necessarily have to use high-end special effects and martial arts to make a great action flick. Give me a good story and some solid acting like this film delivers.Like a fine wine, Trejo and Banks only get better with age. I look forward to seeing these two in a film together soon.